Dothill Primary School

School Letters (general)

This folder will be updated with school letters.

Filename Size Date
Elsa Diabetes check - parents invite letter.pdf 209.3KB 10/02/2025
ELSA diabetes poster.pdf 293.0KB 10/02/2025
Reception Attendance .pdf 283.6KB 10/02/2025
Reading leaflet Feb 25.pdf 556.0KB 07/02/2025
World book Day 2025.pdf 294.2KB 07/02/2025
Attendance on a page - for parents 24 25.pdf 107.8KB 04/02/2025
Y4 Muliplication check parents meeting.pdf 99.6KB 30/01/2025
2S teaching update Feb 25.pdf 98.2KB 30/01/2025
Parents Evening - Spring 25.pdf 102.4KB 29/01/2025
Parents Evening - Spring 25 for 2S.pdf 103.8KB 29/01/2025
NCMP Parents pre-measurement guidance letter 2024.FINAL.p... 362.6KB 27/01/2025
NCMP Reception Withdrawal letter for parents 2025.pdf 111.3KB 27/01/2025
Eye screening letter for reception 2025.pdf 199.2KB 27/01/2025
E02780184 DHSC PRE Measuring Leaflet HR_Print_03.09.24.pd... 961.2KB 27/01/2025
RWInc Spelling Letter to parents Jan 25.pdf 100.3KB 14/01/2025
Y4 legoland Trip letter March 2025.pdf 112.6KB 19/12/2024
Y3 legoland Trip letter March 2025.pdf 112.6KB 19/12/2024
Y4 TTC February 2025.pdf 111.5KB 18/12/2024
Y3 TTC February 2025.pdf 111.5KB 18/12/2024
Y5 Think Tank Trip letter January 2025.pdf 112.8KB 18/12/2024
Y2 trip Twycross Zoo Jan 2025.pdf 113.0KB 18/12/2024
School Meal Price Increase from Feb 25.pdf 56.2KB 28/11/2024
form 3 governor declaration.pdf 130.7KB 28/11/2024
Parent election letter 28 11 24.pdf 155.9KB 28/11/2024
form 2 parent election.pdf 8.8KB 28/11/2024
Water Safety .pdf 20.3KB 22/11/2024
Flu consent QR code 2024.png 27.9KB 19/11/2024
Flu Consent 2024-2025.pdf 222.1KB 19/11/2024
DPS updated email address.pdf 56.5KB 12/11/2024
Y34 Gurdwara trip letter - Dec 24.pdf 522.8KB 12/11/2024
Autumn Term 2024 dates.pdf 144.6KB 08/11/2024
Flu immunisation DPS Dc 24.pdf 251.5KB 07/11/2024
Parents Evening - Autumn 2024.pdf 102.5KB 16/10/2024
34 Nature reserve den building - Letter to parents final.pdf 100.2KB 15/10/2024
2J and 4RL staffing update Oct 24.pdf 123.0KB 14/10/2024
Get Online events.pdf 1.3MB 09/10/2024
Telford Crisis Support Letter.pdf 96.5KB 09/10/2024
openeve2024.png 1.7MB 09/10/2024
Changes to attendance - letter to parents.pdf 839.1KB 08/10/2024
Y56 leaving consent.pdf 111.3KB 02/10/2024
RWI Meeting letter.pdf 99.1KB 26/09/2024
NCMP Year 6 Withdrawal letter for parents 2024.pdf 113.3KB 23/09/2024
NCMP Parents pre-measurement guidance letter 2024.FINAL.pdf 362.6KB 23/09/2024
E02780184 DHSC PRE Measuring Leaflet HR_Print_03.09.24.pdf 961.2KB 23/09/2024
Y5 Anglo Saxon Workshop Oct 24.pdf 104.1KB 13/09/2024
Arthog letter 1 - 18.07.24 final.pdf 80.8KB 18/07/2024
Y6 Treat Trip July 2024.pdf 96.7KB 05/07/2024
Donations and sandwiches.pdf 107.6KB 05/07/2024
Staffing update for 24 25.pdf 108.4KB 05/07/2024
speak-out-stay-safe-parent-carer-letter-2024.pdf 173.1KB 03/07/2024
Dothill Primary School - Ofsted Report June 2024 pdf.pdf 152.8KB 01/07/2024
Ofsted report letter 2024.pdf 123.1KB 01/07/2024
Parent Letter - KS1 Active Lives Survey.pdf 134.5KB 21/06/2024
PPG Atom Adams.pdf 105.1KB 20/06/2024
Crucial Crew 24 letter.pdf 111.2KB 11/06/2024
Osfted - school inspections - a guide for parents.pdf 148.0KB 10/06/2024
Ofsted Inspection June 2024 - Letter to parents.pdf 66.1KB 10/06/2024
Sports day 2024 KS2.pdf 103.3KB 24/05/2024
Sports day 2024 EYFS and KS1.pdf 101.3KB 24/05/2024
New Head Teacher from Sept - 24 05 24.pdf 112.2KB 24/05/2024
Picnic Lunch 10th July 2024.pdf 102.0KB 23/05/2024
RSE letter permission.pdf 99.2KB 21/05/2024
DPS EYFS 24-25 intake letter 1 May 24 group 2.pdf 129.1KB 21/05/2024
DPS EYFS 24-25 intake letter 1 May 24 group 1.pdf 129.9KB 21/05/2024
SEND Coffee Morning - 5th June 2024.pdf 105.8KB 17/05/2024
onlinesafety 7.5.24.pdf 104.6KB 07/05/2024
What do our Relationships and Sex Education lessons look ... 83.1KB 26/04/2024
Parent drop in session RSE.pdf 103.2KB 26/04/2024
Y34 Jitterbugs Electricity Workshop .pdf 117.8KB 19/04/2024
Scarlet Fever factsheet.pdf 47.5KB 12/04/2024
Scarlet Fever Letter for Parents 12 04 24.pdf 168.7KB 12/04/2024
Parent helpers All Saints Year 1 RE Church visit.pdf 101.0KB 12/04/2024
New menu and price increase April 2024.pdf 134.2KB 20/03/2024
After School Clubs - Summer 1.pdf 108.2KB 14/03/2024
Parent helpers Wightwick Manor.pdf 100.7KB 14/03/2024
Food tasting year two March 24.pdf 108.8KB 07/03/2024
Simeon Wood Event letter.pdf 100.0KB 04/03/2024
Simeon Wood Event.pdf 172.5KB 04/03/2024
Y5 Film Permission Letter 04 03 24.pdf 95.9KB 04/03/2024
34W Parents Consultation.pdf 103.0KB 04/03/2024
SEND Coffee Afternoon - 11th March.pdf 102.7KB 01/03/2024
World Book day letter 2024.pdf 101.7KB 23/02/2024
One Way System Feb 24.pdf 115.8KB 22/02/2024
Y6 Town Park trip letter April 24.pdf 111.8KB 21/02/2024
Y5 Botanical Gardens Trip Letter April 24.pdf 114.4KB 21/02/2024
Y3-4 Shropshire Hills Trip Letter April 24.pdf 114.4KB 21/02/2024
Y2 Wightwick Manor trip letter April 24.pdf 114.2KB 21/02/2024
Parents Evening - Spring for website.pdf 101.1KB 19/02/2024
EYFS Home Farm Trip letter.pdf 112.9KB 05/02/2024
Attendance and late letter 30 01 24.pdf 101.3KB 31/01/2024
NCMP Reception Withdrawal letter for parents 2023.pdf 111.1KB 26/01/2024
NCMP Parents pre-measurement guidance letter 2023 FINAL.p... 360.9KB 26/01/2024
Eye screening letter for reception 2024.pdf 199.1KB 26/01/2024
E02780184 DHSC PRE Measuring Leaflet HR_Print_03.07.23.pdf 961.2KB 26/01/2024
Y4 swimming letter - Jan 2024 website.pdf 103.2KB 26/01/2024
After School Clubs Spring 2.pdf 106.7KB 25/01/2024
App letter Jan 2024.pdf 100.4KB 23/01/2024
HT resignation letter for parents 22 01 2024.pdf 101.0KB 22/01/2024
final arrangements for Young Voices 2024.pdf 128.5KB 19/01/2024
Head Teacher Absence - January 24.pdf 99.3KB 15/01/2024
Parent helpers Twycross zoo.pdf 104.5KB 22/12/2023
Y1 Ironbridge trip letter Feb 24 112.3KB 19/12/2023
Church Volunteer Reponse Letter.pdf 95.3KB 18/12/2023
Y5 swimming letter - Jan 2024.pdf 102.5KB 15/12/2023
Walk to church Autumn 2023.pdf 95.1KB 14/12/2023
Church Helpers letter Christmas 2023.pdf 97.0KB 14/12/2023
After School clubs Spring 1.pdf 106.4KB 08/12/2023
Scarlet fever.pdf 109.3KB 06/12/2023
Food tasting year two.pdf 110.7KB 30/11/2023
Y2 Twycross Zoo trip letter Jan 24 114.4KB 29/11/2023
Parent Lunch Invite.pdf 98.0KB 29/11/2023
Parent speaker needed in Year Two .pdf 99.4KB 28/11/2023
Headteacher Absence Nov 23.pdf 99.4KB 23/11/2023
Christmas Fayre Letter - 2023.pdf 145.0KB 23/11/2023
Y1 Walk to Nature Reserve.pdf 101.7KB 23/11/2023
Y5 Think Tank Trip 114.2KB 21/11/2023
Christmas Fair update.pdf 90.3KB 20/11/2023
Important Information and Events 17 11 23 update.pdf 111.7KB 17/11/2023
SEND Coffee Afternoon - 4th Dec.pdf 102.8KB 17/11/2023
Update - App letter Nov 23.pdf 130.2KB 17/11/2023
Odd socks day 23.pdf 199.4KB 15/11/2023
App letter Nov 23.pdf 259.2KB 15/11/2023
Music Assembly letter 13th November 2023.pdf 141.0KB 10/11/2023
Governors Survey.pdf 94.7KB 27/10/2023
New Playground Equipment - Health and Safety.pdf 97.4KB 27/10/2023
Parking Problems.pdf 109.7KB 27/10/2023
School Trips and Workshops Voluntary Contributions.pdf 114.9KB 27/10/2023
Measles update.pdf 105.9KB 20/10/2023
Christmas lunch flyer 2023.pdf 448.9KB 19/10/2023
Christmas Jumper Day 2023.pdf 235.8KB 19/10/2023
Childen in Need 2023.pdf 119.2KB 19/10/2023
Parent reader letter.pdf 95.7KB 12/10/2023
Christmas card letter.pdf (2) 96.0KB 09/10/2023
Xmas4schools letter.pdf 195.1KB 09/10/2023
SEND Coffee Afternoon - Cancelled.pdf 99.3KB 09/10/2023
APLEY WOODS letter.pdf 95.9KB 02/10/2023
Parents Evening - Autumn.pdf (1) 101.1KB 02/10/2023
CSE workshops.pdf 114.2KB 02/10/2023
SATs Meeting Letter 24.9.23.pdf 69.9KB 29/09/2023
Harvest.pdf (1) 193.2KB 29/09/2023
After School Clubs - Autumn term letter.pdf 105.7KB 25/09/2023
Y34 Tree Trail Walk 29 9 23.pdf 96.8KB 21/09/2023
Updated emails.pdf 110.1KB 21/09/2023
Y4 multiplication check meeting letter.pdf 187.4KB 21/09/2023
NCMP Year 6 Withdrawal letter for parents 2023 Dothill.pdf 135.2KB 19/09/2023
NCMP Parents pre-measurement guidance letter 2023 FINAL.pdf 360.9KB 19/09/2023
Y34 Chester Visit 16 11 23.pdf 115.1KB 15/09/2023
EYFS & Y1 Snow White 17 10 23.pdf 118.8KB 15/09/2023
Y6 Blist Hill Trip 11 10 23 letter.pdf 114.2KB 15/09/2023
Book donation letter.pdf 101.4KB 14/09/2023
Mild illnesses.pdf 107.3KB 14/09/2023
parent-letter-magic-formula.pdf 228.2KB 14/09/2023
RWI Meeting for EYFS parents.pdf 101.6KB 14/09/2023
Flu Consent 2023-2024.pdf 273.1KB 14/09/2023
Y5 Anglo Saxon workshop letter.pdf 123.6KB 08/09/2023
Behaviour Leaflet.pdf 238.2KB 05/09/2023
Behaviour procedures.pdf 104.6KB 05/09/2023
End of term update 21 7 23.pdf 182.4KB 21/07/2023
Y6 leavers photo 2023 note for parents.pdf 67.2KB 10/07/2023
EYFS Church Walk 2023 .pdf 101.6KB 06/07/2023
Church Helpers- 21 07 23 97.3KB 06/07/2023
EYFSKS1 Sports Day 102.3KB 06/07/2023
Arthog letter 1 - 04 07 23.pdf 80.2KB 04/07/2023
Sports Day KS2 2023.pdf 105.8KB 04/07/2023
Year 6 treat trip July 2023.pdf 98.8KB 03/07/2023
Strike action 5.pdf 115.4KB 27/06/2023
Active Lives - Y3-6 questionnaire summary 2022-23.pdf 286.6KB 19/06/2023
Active Lives Y1-2 parent letter 2022-23.pdf 172.0KB 19/06/2023
Active Lives - Y1-2 questionnaire summary 2022-23.pdf 174.1KB 19/06/2023
Active Lives Y3-6 parent letter 2022-23 a.pdf 119.2KB 19/06/2023
Important Dates and Information 09 06 23.pdf 128.9KB 09/06/2023
Y6 Crucial Crew 23 letter 119.9KB 07/06/2023
YR5 British Ironwork Centre and Sculpture Park 115.0KB 22/05/2023
Match funding.pdf 103.2KB 22/05/2023
RSE letter permission 16.5.23 info only.pdf 100.3KB 18/05/2023
Apley Wood trip letter EYFS.pdf 108.2KB 18/05/2023
Spring attendance letter.pdf 118.6KB 11/05/2023
Y1 Fruit Tasting May 23.pdf 102.7KB 11/05/2023
What do our Relationships and Sex Education lessons look ... 81.1KB 09/05/2023
RSE letter 9.5.23.pdf 100.7KB 09/05/2023
Online Safety Parent Workshop May 2023 f.pdf 116.1KB 09/05/2023
Y6 visit to TTP May 23.pdf 107.4KB 27/04/2023
Egypt workshop letter.pdf 114.9KB 25/04/2023
Volunteer to hear readers.pdf 100.0KB 25/04/2023
Strike action 4.pdf 105.3KB 21/04/2023
Coronation Lunch f.pdf 122.8KB 17/04/2023
Gates letter.pdf 112.5KB 30/03/2023
Parking leaflet letter.pdf 105.2KB 30/03/2023
Road safety for School 1.pdf 595.3KB 30/03/2023
Warning letters.pdf 110.8KB 30/03/2023
24-25 term date letter.pdf 107.5KB 24/03/2023
Dothill Term Dates 2024-2025.pdf 86.9KB 24/03/2023
Dothill_BESPOKE_Primary School Menu 2023 DIGI.pdf 1.7MB 24/03/2023
New menu letter.pdf 113.8KB 24/03/2023
Staff changes RWA.pdf 114.6KB 24/03/2023
Church Permission Letter.pdf 96.9KB 24/03/2023
Big Walk and Wheel Parent Letter.pdf 249.4KB 17/03/2023
Strike action 3.pdf 104.1KB 08/03/2023
Parents Evening - Spring RWA only.pdf 107.7KB 28/02/2023
Parents Evening - Spring no RWA.pdf 107.6KB 28/02/2023
Strike action 2.pdf 103.6KB 17/02/2023
Parent Governors.pdf 99.8KB 09/02/2023
Final Arthog Letter Jan 23.pdf 113.5KB 01/02/2023
WhatsApp Y5 and Y6.pdf 96.0KB 01/02/2023
Strike action.pdf 103.7KB 25/01/2023
Parents Evening open afternoon spring 2023.pdf 103.7KB 23/01/2023
Y4 multiplication check meeting letter Jan23.pdf 233.7KB 20/01/2023
Fitness Friday letter Jan-March 23.pdf 168.7KB 20/01/2023
Bank Holiday 8.5.23.pdf 111.2KB 18/01/2023
Y4 swimming letter - Jan 2023 updated.pdf 136.8KB 09/01/2023
Y6 swimming letter.pdf 159.9KB 09/01/2023
Cashless 9.1.23.pdf 169.8KB 16/12/2022
Chester Zoo letter Y34 7.2.23 amended for PP by admin.pdf 233.2KB 15/12/2022
NCMP_Pre-measurement_Leaflet_for_Parents__School_height_a... 1.3MB 15/12/2022
NCMP Guidance Letter 2022 FINAL.pdf (1) 304.2KB 15/12/2022
NCMP Reception Withdrawal letter for parents 2022 Dothill... 144.5KB 15/12/2022
Eye screening letter for reception 2022.pdf 198.3KB 15/12/2022
homework Autumn 2022.pdf 107.7KB 14/12/2022
Church Helpers letter.pdf 98.9KB 09/12/2022
Parent Gov election L1 09 12 22.pdf 287.8KB 09/12/2022
Form 2.pdf (1) 113.0KB 09/12/2022
Gov Dec Form3 - new May 22.pdf 366.2KB 09/12/2022
Performance safety letter.pdf 108.1KB 30/11/2022
Speak Out. Stay Safe.pdf 125.7KB 29/11/2022
Open Afternoon Nov 22 reminder.pdf 410.1KB 25/11/2022
Attendance Nov 22.pdf 102.5KB 22/11/2022
Parent Pay Accounts Nov 22.pdf 126.3KB 21/11/2022
Odd socks day.pdf 188.7KB 10/11/2022
Christmas dates.pdf 104.8KB 03/11/2022
Parent Workshops.pdf 172.4KB 17/10/2022
Arthog letter 2 - 17.10.22.pdf 111.4KB 17/10/2022
Christmas lunch flyer 2022.pdf 747.7KB 13/10/2022
Christmas Jumper Day 2022.pdf 420.6KB 13/10/2022
Christmas card letter.pdf (1) 97.3KB 12/10/2022
Christmas card letter attachment (1).pdf (1) 564.1KB 12/10/2022
Christmas card order form sample.pdf 61.9KB 12/10/2022
Christmas card letter.pdf 97.3KB 12/10/2022
Christmas card letter attachment (1).pdf 564.1KB 12/10/2022
Parent Letter Flu 2022.pdf 129.8KB 10/10/2022
Protecting your child against flu; Information for parent... 359.3KB 10/10/2022
Flu Consent 22.23.pdf 270.9KB 10/10/2022
NCMP_Pre-measurement_Leaflet_for_Parents__School_height_a... 1.3MB 10/10/2022
NCMP Guidance Letter 2022 FINAL.pdf 304.2KB 10/10/2022
NCMP Year 6 Withdrawal letter for parents 2022.pdf 120.6KB 10/10/2022
Parent Pay letter 29 9 22 email copy.pdf 265.7KB 29/09/2022
Harvest.pdf 194.2KB 27/09/2022
TTRS parent letter.pdf 110.7KB 26/09/2022
RWI Presentation.pdf 99.9KB 21/09/2022
Parents Evening - Autumn.pdf 106.3KB 21/09/2022
10 by 10.pdf 173.6KB 20/09/2022
Arthog letter 1 - 15 09 22.pdf 116.3KB 15/09/2022
Monday 19 9 22 bank holiday.pdf 98.4KB 14/09/2022
Parents of Years 56 Sept 22.pdf 293.4KB 21/07/2022
Hot weather.pdf 114.0KB 15/07/2022
Uniform letter 22 23.pdf 138.3KB 12/07/2022
DT Letter for Y34 parents.pdf 101.9KB 08/07/2022
Y6 leavers letter b.pdf 135.9KB 07/07/2022
Y6 Treat trip letter.pdf 267.2KB 07/07/2022
End of term 21 7 22.pdf 336.4KB 05/07/2022
Staffing letter.pdf 147.0KB 04/07/2022
Sports Day 2022.pdf 109.3KB 15/06/2022
Consent letter for RSE 2022.pdf 110.4KB 26/05/2022
Year 5 Archery and Sports Letter.pdf 95.2KB 22/05/2022
Jubilee parents letter.pdf 104.3KB 18/05/2022
A2-Y1-2-parent-letter-2021-22.pdf 131.4KB 16/05/2022
Y3 parent-letter-2021-22.pdf 122.1KB 16/05/2022
Y5 parent-letter-2021-22.pdf 120.2KB 16/05/2022
Update for parents May 22.pdf 122.3KB 13/05/2022
SATs breakfast letter.pdf 107.9KB 03/05/2022
Covid update 4.4.22.pdf 107.1KB 04/04/2022
New menu April 22.pdf 97.5KB 29/03/2022
Dothill Menu April 2022-March 2023 final proof.pdf 213.5KB 29/03/2022
Form 2.pdf 113.1KB 28/03/2022
Parent Gov election L1 28 3 22.pdf 287.3KB 28/03/2022
Form 3.pdf 142.5KB 28/03/2022
Y3-4 Easter Experience.pdf 103.2KB 28/03/2022
2M Nature Reserve Visit.pdf 53.0KB 24/03/2022
EYFS staffing letter April 22.pdf 96.6KB 24/03/2022
Parents Consultation - Spring Term 2022.pdf 137.3KB 18/03/2022
1S Update March 22.pdf 101.6KB 16/03/2022
Exotic Zoo final letter 2 pages.pdf 782.6KB 10/03/2022
Fitness Friday letter.pdf 98.4KB 10/03/2022
coffee afternoon - PODs .pdf 134.2KB 07/03/2022
Living with Covid letter March 22.pdf 101.5KB 03/03/2022
World Book Day Letter.pdf 105.0KB 17/02/2022
Coffee Afternoon with PODs and Dothill Primary School.pdf 127.4KB 07/02/2022
Non-arthog letter Feb 22.pdf 101.0KB 04/02/2022
Covid - no cases.pdf 94.6KB 02/02/2022
PODS e-bulletin Jan 28.pdf 492.9KB 28/01/2022
School Meal Competition.png 128.8KB 20/01/2022
Eat Smart letter.pdf 188.5KB 20/01/2022
Continued positive cases letter.pdf 122.4KB 18/01/2022
Bereavement letter Jan 22.pdf 101.7KB 17/01/2022
Covid Testing update 17 1 22.pdf 316.8KB 17/01/2022
self isolation update.pdf 107.2KB 14/01/2022
Positive case letter.pdf 137.1KB 12/01/2022
NCMP Reception Withdrawal letter for parents 2022 Dothill... 211.8KB 11/01/2022
NCMP_pre-measurement_flyer.pdf (1) 1.3MB 11/01/2022
Eye screening letter for reception_.pdf 154.6KB 11/01/2022
Rec NCMP letter.pdf 108.3KB 11/01/2022
Autism in Schools Jan 22.pdf 100.4KB 11/01/2022