Arthog Visit 2024-2025
Update: 26/1/25
A letter will be making its way to parents / carers this week with final details about the visit to Arthog.
As a reminder, it is absolutely crucial that mobile phones are not taken to Arthog for safeguarding reasons. This is to protect your child and those around them. Please can we ask you to make certain that phones stay at home.
By now, medical forms should have already been sent in if your child needs medication. If this has changed, you will need to complete a medication form and give this to the class teacher by Thursday 30th January.
Update: 10/10/24:
A letter has gone home this week with the final costs of the trip. Please note that the cost of the hoodie is included in the total cost.
Update 5/9/24:
The information is now on ParentPay meaning you can make your first payment of £50 (not refundable deposit) to “express your interest” for your child to attend Arthog in the Spring Term 2025. Even though we have set up the instalment plan on the system, please only pay the initial £50 at this stage as we need to confirm the final costings once we know how many children wish to attend and how many are in receipt of free school meals as of 1st September 2024.
Please refer to the letter sent out in July, copy below.
We have booked for Year 6 children to visit Arthog from 3rd - 7th February 2025. Please click on the links below for copies of information provided to parents/carers. There is also a link to the Arthog website where you will find more information.
arthog-letter-1-180724-final.pdf (
Arthog Outdoor Education Centre (