School Menu
We have an updated menu from April 2024-March 2025 which is bespoke to Dothill and has been put together by Donna, our cook. She knows the children well and has included all the favourites that Dothill children enjoy.
Don’t forget that if there is a meal that is not a favourite with your child then you can order a regular sandwich from Donna for that day – you do not need to fill in a form every week, just state that it is a regular order and Donna can provide a regular sandwich on that day.
IMPORTANT Please note that if you have a regular sandwich order you will need to send in a new form each time the full menu changes as some of the options change and your regular sandwich order may not match the meals that it used to.
Click here for the new menu from April 2024
Click here for the link to the sandwich form from 12th June 2023
The children order their hot meal via the teacher each morning and eat in the big hall. The will be offered a cup of water at lunchtime. School sandwiches can also be ordered, as below, with one weeks notice. Children bringing in food from home will need to have a drink in their lunchbox.
Dietary Requirements/Allergies
If your child has any dietary requirements or allergies, please complete the form, link below, and return this to school. From September 2023 this form will be part of our PIR form so all families will be asked to complete this. If after starting at the school your child develops an allergy or has a new dietary requirement, please complete and return this form to the school office.
Price of a school meal/sandwich
From 1st April 2024 the cost of a school meal is £2.60. From 24th February 2025 this will increase to £2.90 per day. Please ensure there are adequate funds on your child's account to cover the daily cost.
Free School Meals
As you know, all children in EYFS/KS1 are offered a free daily meal during term time as part of the universal infant free school scheme. All KS2 children entitled to free school meals will also be given a free daily term time meal. If your circumstances have recently changed, your child may now be entitled to free meals; why not complete a FSM form and send it to Telford & Wrekin Council who can carry out a quick check for you. Here’s a link to the form and further details. All children receive exactly the same meal whether they are free or you pay, and they are all served in exactly the same way, so why not check if you’re able to claim?
Universal Infant Free School Meals
Every child in Britain from EYFS to Year 2 can have a free school meal. You don’t have to register, you don’t have to qualify or fill in any forms. It is literally there on a plate for your child. Not only is that great for you but it is also great for school because for every child who has their universal infant free school meal, we receive money into our budget.
For this reason, in September 2019 we started a new approach and any child who joins Dothill into EYFS, Y1 or Y2 will be expected to have school dinners or school sandwiches and not bring a packed lunch from home.
As an alternative to hot meals, the school kitchen can provide a packed lunch for free!! There is a wide range of bread/fillings/ yogurts/fruit/cakes/cookies on offer that your child can choose from and it won’t cost you a penny.
For further information please refer to the leaflet from Telford and Wrekin Catering, as below. There is also a link to the catering page on Telford and Wrekin Council's website.
Leaflet from Telford and Wrekin Catering
Sandwich Option
Children are able to select a packed lunch instead of their usual school dinner. To do so, please complete the form below and return to the kitchen or school office with one school weeks notice. Thank you.
Please note, the menu has been updated from 12th June 2023 and we will no longer serve scrambled egg with the Big Breakfast or have egg mayo on the sandwich bar.
General Reminders
- Always pay dinner money in advance.
- Please pay online, link below. We do not accept cash or cheques for lunch payments.
- Please click this link to check your school meal balance & pay for school meals
- When making a payment, please allow 24 hours for the payment to reach the kitchen accounts system.
- All children are checked in to dinners by name so that we can ensure everyone who has ordered a dinner for that day receives a dinner for that day.
- If your child is absent and you have ordered a school packed lunch (sandwich) for that day then please let us know otherwise unfortunately you will be charged. A charge will also be made if you forget you have ordered a school packed lunch for your child and a meal from home is provided instead.
- Please ensure you are always in credit and remember to check the meal balance on your ParentPay account. You will not receive emails, calls, texts etc from school/the kitchen to advise you of low balances, debt, etc
- It is important not to allow your child’s account to fall into arrears as we do operate a zero tolerance on meal arrears. If your child’s account does fall into arrears you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch until your account is credited. If your child does not have money in their account and no packed lunch is provided, they will be given an emergency meal (a cheese sandwich, a yoghurt and a piece of fruit) for lunch at a cost of approximately 75p. Please see further information below.
Dinner Money Arrears - Emergency Meal System
This is how the arrears/emergency meal system works: on the first day that children choose a lunch and do not have enough credit on their account, our kitchen team will let them have their meal, thus leaving arrears on their account. If the arrears are not cleared, and if the child does not bring in a packed lunch from home, the kitchen team will give them an emergency meal at lunchtime if they have a school meal. This will be chargeable.