Dothill Primary School

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Our new Assistant Head Teacher and SENDCo, Miss Brotherton, joined us on 1st September 2024.

This SEND page will give you all the information you need about what we offer at Dothill Primary School. At Dothill, we firmly believe that every teacher is a teacher of SEND. We have a passionate and dedicated team who are committed to working together to make our school inclusive. We understand that everyone shares the responsibility to care for and educate our most vulnerable children and set high aspirations for all children. As a team, we aim to help all our children become as independent as possible whilst providing them with opportunities for support to meet their individual needs. Please don't hesitate to contact Miss Brotherton or your child's class teacher with any questions you may have. 

The Team:

All teaching staff in the school monitor and review the progress of the needs of different children within their class together with the SENDCo on a termly basis.  Provision maps known as APDRs (Assess, Plan, Do, Review) are created for children with specific needs to show outcomes and progress over time. These are monitored and reviewed by the SENCo on a regular basis and shared and discussed with parents. At the end of the academic year, class teachers pass on relevant information and provision maps to the new class teacher.

Our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinator is Miss S Brotherton who can be contacted on 01952 386870 or via the school email

  Ellie Cheetham-Wilkinson SEND Governor

Areas of need:

All special educational needs and/or disabilities can be categorised into these 4 main areas.

Some children with SEND may have difficulties in one or more of these areas.

As a school, we are committed to delivering the highest quality of education possible to all of our children. As part of this commitment, we commission outside agencies to offer advice and support regularly.

As well as many others, two of our key support partnerships are with the Educational Phycologist Service and the Learning Support Advisory Team. The school's Educational Phycologist (EP), Dr Jane Park and the schools Learning Support Advisory Teacher, Ceri Hurst work in school regularly with children, teachers, parents and the SENDCo to support us in delivering the highest quality of education to all of our pupils.

More information about the EP Service can be found on the local offer here:

Education Psychology Service - SEND - Local offer (

More information about the LSAT team can be found on the local offer here:

Learning Support Advisory Team (LSAT) - SEND - Local offer (

What we Offer:

In school we strive to offer all of our children the very best education and experiences we possibly can. The documents below outlines key SEND information about our offer as well as the most recent information report. Please click the links below for the relevant documents.

SEND Information Report Autumn 2023-24

SEND Offer Autumn 2023-24

At Dothill Primary School we recognise that children require support in many different ways and that this can vary from subject to subject. As a result, subject leaders have worked collaboratively with teachers and senior leaders (including the SENDCo) to create adaption documentation to support our children across the school. Please click the links below to see these documents.

SEND Adaptations at Dothill

Art & Design


Computing Design Technology  Geography History

Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)

Music Physical Education Phonics
PSHE Religious Education Reading Writing



Each year our policies are updated and shared with members of staff and governors to ensure we are offering the very best in terms of SEND support to our students and their families.

We are committed to ensuring inclusivity for all pupils and will work closely with parents and the local authority to ensure all needs are met. This includes adaptations to learning environment (such as lighting and accessible footpaths) to ensure all children can participate in the school's curriculum. To ensure the delivery of information and learning is readily accessible to all pupils, we work with the Sensory Inclusion Service to take steps, such as enlarging text books and training staff on the use of hearing aids and listening devices for children. 

For more detailed information, we have our Equalities Targets and Action Plan along with the SEND Policy below.

Equality Targets Autumn 2023-2024

Equalities Policy and Action Plan Autumn 2023-2024

SEND Policy Autumn 2023-24

Local Offer:

The Telford and Wrekin Local Offer is the best place to find out any information to support your family and child with a special, educational need/disability (SEND). Along with the local offer there are a number of services locally to support parents and carers of children with SEND.

You can also find exclusive events and activities for SEND Children and their families/carers.

Please click the icons below to find out more about the Telford and Wrekin Local Offer.


Miss Brotherton

Miss Brotherton