Welcome Message from Mrs Thomas, Head Teacher
I would like to offer you a very warm welcome to Dothill Primary School. I am so proud to lead this wonderful nurturing school. Our school vision, ‘Ready, Respect, Safe’, underpins each aspect of our day.
We endeavour to provide pupils with the best possible start to their education and ensure that they reach their full potential, championing reading as the bedrock to learning and prioritising emotional and mental health to ensure optimum opportunities to learn and succeed.
We are committed to ensuring that every learner leaves Dothill with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their future. All staff provide exciting and purposeful learning at every opportunity through our inspiring and carefully sequenced curriculum, and we encourage all children to be inquisitive and creative. Wellbeing, oracy, inclusion, enrichment and physical activity are our key drivers to how we expand the children’s minds and prepare them for the future, reaching their full potential.
Working closely with parents and carers is an important part of what we value. We are committed to working in partnership with you to help your child to acquire the skills, knowledge and attitudes that will serve them well beyond the primary years and even into adult life. As parents you are key members of the Dothill community. We have an active parents’ association which fosters close educational and social links between school and home.
We proactively champion diversity and inclusivity because we know that by representing our whole school community, we enrich all our lives. We want to prepare all our children to be great citizens of the future in modern Britain, contributing to society and being the best they can.
I look forward to welcoming you to Dothill and in the meantime do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Jenny Thomas