Dothill Primary School

Our Values

Ready - Respectful - Safe

At Dothill Primary School, we value three main ideals which will help us Be Our Best:

Ready: to learn, to improve, to make progress, to be positive to play, to aspire to the future

Respectful: of each other, of ourselves, of our surroundings, of our differences, of each other's feelings, of everyone's rights

Safe: at school, in our learning, in the playground, in the classroom, online, in our play and at home

Our Vision

We strive to provide a welcoming, caring environment, in which each member of the school community feels nurtured, valued and secure. We ensure that our pupils are listened to by all stakeholders.

Ways in which we do this:

  • Member of staff on the door each morning to welcome children
  • Dedicated pastoral team
  • Wellbeing area in each classroom
  • Pupil voice gives children an opportunity to express their opinions
  • Pupil Parliament and Safeguarding Squad
  • Certificates / notes home / golden letters

Year 4 Child quote: Teachers always make sure we are happy and when we have no one to play with, they make sure we do.  We have a wellbeing area in each classroom; ours had a teepee which is a great place to go when you are having a bad day, feeling sad or cross.  This place makes me feel safe.  Children with special needs are encouraged to use things to help them with their work and focus. 

OFSTED Quote: This is a school where everyone has a voice. Pupils are happy to come to school because they feel valued and safe. Pupils have strong values because these are promoted at every opportunity in school life. The Pupil Parliament representatives promote issues which matter to pupils, such as physical activity and the impact on mental well-being.

We are committed to delivering a fun, engaging curriculum, rich in experiences, that empowers children to become curious life-long learners with dreams and aspirations.

Ways in which we do this:

  • High quality Dothill curriculum
  • All areas of the curriculum are valued
  • Enrichments built into the curriculum
  • Opportunities to explore different careers via careers week
  • Use of local area to support learning

Curriculum Governor quote: The curriculum is continually being developed at Dothill, with leaders at all levels taking great pride in their curriculum areas. Adequate time is given to the delivery of both core and foundation subjects, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to thrive in their favourite subjects. There is a continual desire to make the offer to our students the best it can be across our school, and the enrichment opportunities built into our curriculum further exemplify the desire to provide students with a rich, rewarding and ultimately exciting curriculum throughout the first stages of their education. 

OFSTED Quote: The curriculum is ambitious, and teachers ensure learning is interesting and engaging.  Leaders have designed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. They have made thoughtful choices about the knowledge and concepts they want pupils to know in depth.

We hold high expectations for everyone, whatever their starting point, and seek to ensure each child can feel fulfilled and proud of themselves and their achievements.

Ways in which we do this:

  • Clear expectations – Ready, Respect and Safe
  • Lessons adapted to suit the needs of children
  • Each subject has its own SEND adaptations document
  • Celebration assemblies

Year 2 Child quote:  At Dothill we have three rules that we learn about and follow – they are Ready, Respect and Safe.  They help us to know how to behave in school.  They help people to be kind, ready to learn and tells us ways to keep safe in school.  My teachers tell me when I do good work; she sometimes gives me a sticker.  I am really proud when I get a certificate in assembly. 

OFSTED Quote: The school has high expectations in all aspects of school life. The motto of ‘ready, respectful and safe’ is central to the school’s approach to behaviour. Pupils understand the school’s expectations and why these rules are important. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) access the same rich curriculum as their peers. As a result, pupils love coming to school and achieve well. Pupils, including those who are disadvantaged and those with SEND, achieve well because they enjoy learning this well-designed and challenging curriculum.

We embrace diversity, celebrating our British Values, and regarding every child as an individual who harnesses their own strengths, ideas and interests and whose personal experiences contribute to and enhance our school.

Ways in which we do this:

  • British Values promoted in assemblies
  • PSHE lessons promote self-reflection
  • Celebrating difference day
  • Trips and visits to different places of worship

Parent quote: Since joining Dothill, my child has been made to feel valued. Her teachers show interest in her ideas and experiences.  The teachers, TAs and pastoral staff treat every student as an individual, understanding that each child is unique and had different needs and abilities. I am pleased that the school, with around 400 children, treat my daughter as an individual that matters.

OFSTED Quote: There is a strong focus on helping pupils develop as citizens. They relish taking on responsibilities, these include being play leaders, librarians, safeguarding leads and eco leads. A beautiful nature reserve surrounds the school, where pupils volunteer to look after wildlife. Pupils respect each other’s differences by learning about diverse role models in the arts and science. There is a sport to suit everyone from archery and cricket to boccia and dance.

We teach our children to be able to make choices which have a positive impact on their physical and mental health, and to be able to face challenges without fear of failure.

Ways in which we do this:

  • Engaging PSHE lessons
  • Active schools
  • Trained mental health lead and mental health first aid
  • Student safeguarding squad
  • Daily dash exercises
  • Calm brain activities in class

Year 6 Child quote: we have many lessons in school that teach us about physical and mental health, for example, PSHE, PE and Active Activities. Teachers always encourage us be active in the classroom and we can make choices about what activities we do during break times.  We have regular assemblies teach us about different activities to support our mental health. 

OFSTED Quote: Pupils have strong values because these are promoted at every opportunity in school life. The Pupil Parliament representatives promote issues which matter to pupils, such as physical activity and the impact on mental well-being. They know about the importance of being fair and are fascinated to learn about places, cultures and opinions that are different to their own. Pupils know they have someone to talk to if they have any worries and that adults will help them sort out any problems.

To facilitate our vision, we aim to build trust and communication with our wider community, sharing in our goal to develop confident, kind, and happy children who love coming to school.

Year 2 Parent quote:  There are various platforms the school uses to communicate making it very simple to stay in touch and keep informed as a parent.  Our son started at Dothill as a very shy little boy. Since joining the school, he has been encouraged and supported and has really grown into a happy and confident little boy who now supports his peers in the classroom.

OFSTED Quote: Pupils know about the importance of being fair and are fascinated to learn about places, cultures and opinions that are different to their own.  Leaders analyse behaviour and attendance information closely to identify any patterns and trends. This means that they provide a personalised approach to support families so that pupils can get to school and enjoy learning.