Dothill Primary School

School Meal Cost Increase from February 2025

We have been informed by the Catering Team that the cost of a school meal will increase to £2.90 from Monday 24th February 2025 (after the half term holiday). This will not affect children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSMs) or children in EYFS and KS1 who receive universal infant free school meals (UIFSMs).

Please remember, if there’s a meal that is not a favourite with your child, you can order a sandwich meal for that day. You don’t need to fill in a form every week, just state that it’s a regular order and we can provide a regular sandwich meal on that day.

Here is a link to the school meals information on our website where you will find more information, a copy of the current menu, and a copy of the sandwich order form.

School Meals | Dothill Primary School
