Dothill Primary School

General update for Parents 12 02 25

Dear Parents and Carers.  We are almost halfway through the year and thankfully the warmer and lighter days are around the corner.   Half-term approaches and this felt like a good time to remind you of a few important guidelines we have which keep school running smoothly, safely and productively.

No Toys in School: Please ensure that your child does not bring any toys to school. This helps us maintain focus and avoid distractions during learning time and ensure less potential problems at playtimes.

Jewellery Restrictions: For safety reasons, children are not allowed to wear necklaces, bracelets, or rings. The only earrings permitted are studs; sleepers are not allowed. Also, please do not allow your child to wear any kind of smart watch – these can become a safeguarding risk.

Healthy Snacks: We encourage healthy eating habits. Breaktime snacks should consist only of fruit or vegetables. Please avoid sending fruit bars or other processed snacks. Reception and KS1 children do not need to bring a snack as one is provided in school.

Drinks: We encourage children to bring water in their drink bottles rather than squash. Staying hydrated with water is vital for our health and concentration.

 Uniform Reminders:

    • Children should wear a royal blue jumper (with or without the school logo).
    • School shoes should be plain black with black soles.
    • For full uniform guidelines, please refer to our website (see the ‘Parent’ area): Uniform | Dothill Primary School
    • As always, please ensure that all items of uniform are clearly named.

After half term, we will be opening our pre-loved uniform bank. The bank will be situated at the front of the school (before reaching the bike shed). More details to follow after half term.

Home Learning Expectations

Reading should be practised with an adult at least 4 times a week and recorded in the diary. For older children, writing about their reading themselves is even better!

Spellings (year 1-6) should be practised at home at least twice a week – signed and dated by an adult. Children have a little blue book. This must be in school every day please. On a Monday, they will either stick in a list of words, or write their list of words in.

KS1 – Numbots

10-minute sessions at home throughout the week will be so beneficial to your child.

KS2 - TT Rockstars

This is best done in short bursts through the week to support your child’s recall and memory.
15 mins in Garage and 2 mins in Studio is ideal.

Other Reminders

A polite reminder, that only pupils in Years 5 and 6 may bring a mobile phone into school, and this must be handed into the classroom staff each morning.

Thank you for your continued support to ensure we maintain a positive and effective learning environment for all our pupils.

Kindest regards

Mrs J Thomas

Head Teacher
