Dothill Primary School

New spelling scheme

This week, we have launched a new spelling programme for children in Years 2 - 6. We are now using Read, Write, Inc. Spelling, which matches with the phonics programme that our children use from Reception to develop their early phonics and reading skills.

Children in Year 1 will also begin bringing home a blue spelling book, with a list of 5 words to practise spelling at home. These are called ‘red’ words, as they do not follow the phonics patterns the children have learnt, so must be learnt by memorising.

All children from year 2 upwards, will be bringing home their blue spelling books, but will only get a set list of words every other week. The second week, instead of a printed list, they will choose their own words to practise, based on their spelling and writing lessons.

Each week, we ask you to support your child with practising as many of these words as they can.  Of course, your child can write the list out repeatedly, and you can test them on it, but we will also provide a range of practical and engaging activities which are designed to support the development of their physical and visual memory (and hopefully are a little bit fun too!). All we ask is that you sign and date the blue book twice a week to confirm that your child has spent some time practising their spellings.

Any questions about your child’s spelling, please speak to your class teacher.

As always, many thanks for your continued support in your child’s learning journey with us.

Mrs Willoughby
