Dothill Primary School

Y2 Homework


Children are asked to read at home with an adult at least four times each week for at least 15 minutes, parents are asked to write a signature with the date in their child's reading diary to confirm they have read. If you wish you may comment on your child's reading.

Children following Read Write Inc will bring home two reading books. One will be the book they are reading within their group, the other will be a book to enjoy based on the story they are reading. Children are not expected to read both books every night but please make sure that both books are read through the week.

Children who have finished Read Write Inc will have a reading book with either a lime green or grey sticker. As these books are longer they are not expected to read the whole book in one night. The children are responsible for changing their books as needed.

It is important that your child brings their reading diary and reading books to school every day as they may need to be changed. Teachers will collect in reading diaries every Friday to monitor children's home reading.



If your child has completed the Read Write Inc. programme, they will be sent home with a weekly spelling list to practise in their spelling books. Your child has been given a page of suggested activities that they can choose from to help them practise their weekly spellings.

If your child is learning to read using the RWI programme, they will not be sent home with a weekly spelling list or a spelling book as this is built-in to the lessons.


Each child has a NumBots log-in. NumBots helps to develop mental arithmetic skills. Children in Year 2 are expected to know the 2, 5 and 10 times tables at speed. We recommend spending 5-10 minutes a day on NumBots, rather than completing the homework all in one go.  

The login for your account should be stuck inside the cover of your reading record. If you have lost it, then please ask your teacher for a new one!

Topic Work Project

Each half term we aim to set a project based upon that terms topic. During the last week of term children are asked to bring their project into school and share it with the class. 

Homework Topic - Autumn One : The Great Fire of London 

Please click on the link below to find information about our homework project.

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Homework Topic - Autumn Two : India 

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Homework Topic - Spring One : Animals

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