Dothill Primary School

What have Y2 been up to?

Spring One

Week 6 10.2.23

What a busy week the children have had finishing off their units of work in all their subjects! The children have enjoyed designing their own maps in Computing and trying out their algorithms with the Beebots. 

If you have a pet at home, please can you send in a photo of your pet  on or before Monday 24th February as we are going to be sharing these as a class to begin our exciting new writing unit. Please encourage your child to think about ways their pet may sometimes cause mischief at home so they can share this with us. 

Week 5 - 3.2.25

In maths, the children began work on multiplication. They identified equal groups and were introduced to the multiplication sign.

In English, the children have carried out research on an animal of their choice in preparation for a non-chronological report they will be writing next week. The children were thoroughly engaged while watching videos of the different animals and making notes about them. 

Week 4 - 27.1.25

The children have continued to work hard in maths, recognising coins and finding totals. In writing, they completed the final draft of their story based on The King's Ears by Julia Donaldson. They all worked really hard to ensure their published piece was written in their neatest handwriting - great job Year 2!

Week 3 20.1.25

Year Two had a wonderful time at Twycross Zoo, enhancing their learning on animals and their lifecycles.

The children experienced many wonderful sights including a Snow Leopard eating his lunch (which hanging from a tree), many very cheeky monkeys, a Giant Tortoise having a soak in his pool and the beautiful Blue Morpho butterflies flying freely around having emerged from their chrysalises.

The whole Dothill team wanted to say a massive thank you to our wonderful parent and grandparent helpers who came with us on the trip. They were absolutely amazing, and we really appreciate that they gave up their own time to help us to make this trip happen. Thank you so much!

Week 2 - 13.01.25

This week in English, we have been creating our own character based on King March. The King has a big secret he has to hide - his horse ears! We have been thinking about what strange secret our character might be keeping and have been writing expanded noun phrases and character descriptions about them. 

In maths, we have been practicing adding amounts of money together and finding different ways to make totals. 

In art, we are looking at an artist called Leeza John and have been practicing our collage skills using her work as inspiration. We practiced underarm throwing in PE whilst practicing the Olympic value of excellence! The children were very supportive of each other, continuing last week's value of respect and friendship. 


Week 1 - 6.1.25

We have had a very busy first week back, starting a range of new units in all subjects. 

In English, we began a new narrative unit based around the story 'The King's Ears' by Julia Donaldson.

In Maths, we began looking at money. The children were recognising notes and coins and finding totals. 


Autumn Two

Week 6 - 9.12.24

In RE, the children have been looking at Christian and Sikh symbolism and why the symbols are important to those who follow the religion. 

In PSHE, we have been exploring diversity and discussing that we can be friends with people who are different to us. The children showed great insight during our class discussions. 

Week 5 - 2.12.24

In English, the children have been writing non-chronological reports on owls ready to publish in their special writing journals. In maths, they have been exploring 3D and 2D shapes and learning to draw 2D shapes with a ruler. 

Rehearsals for Gabriel's Big Break have been in full swing; the children have been busy practising song words and learning dances! 

Week 4 - 25.11.24

In Geography, we have been comparing Perinjanam (a village in India) within the region of Kerala, with Telford. We had good fun using google maps (street view) to see what it is like there. We then worked together to identify the similarities and differences between the two places. 

Week 3 - 18.11.24

This week in Science, the children have been learning about the main food groups needed to ensure we eat a balanced diet and stay healthy. We learnt about the benefits of each of the food groups and why our body needs them. 

In maths, we have been learning how to subtract when crossing a 10. The children have been working practically with a range of mathematical equipment to 'exchange'. 

Week 2- 11.11.24

This week, we have written a diary entry in English from the perspective of Plop (the owl in our story). In maths, we have been adding together two 2-digit numbers. This can be tricky when the 'ones' total ten or more. A huge thank you to all our parents who are supporting us and encouraging their child to complete the Numbots challenges we are setting each week. Having instant recall of basic number facts is so important to how efficiently your child can calculate numbers. Please continue to encourage them to access Numbots very regularly, to see the biggest improvement to your child's basic number skills. 

Week 1 - 4.11.24

We have started exploring a new book in our reading and writing lessons called The Owl Who's Afraid Of The Dark by Jill Tomlinson.  We have used this as a stimulus for writing sentences in the past tense with ambitious adjectives and powerful verbs. 

In maths, we have been practising adding and subtracting 10s to a two digit number. We have used base ten, 100 squares and number tracks to help us. 

In our PSHE lessons, we have started our new unit Celebrating Difference. This week, we have been discussing stereotypes and how we mustn't make assumptions about what someone is like based on whether they are male or female. 

Autumn One  1

Week 8 - 21.10.24

Check out these amazing homework projects about the Great Fire of London. The children have worked really hard in history lessons in school and have shown it in their fantastic homework!



Week 6 - 7.10.24

We have had lots of fun in PE this week. We continued to play games to practise our attacking and defending skills.


In English, we have been learning about expanded noun phrases. We worked together to build some expanded noun phrases using nouns and adjectives. Later in the week we moved onto writing a setting description in our books using some of these ideas.


Week 5 - 30.09.24

We have been learning to use running stitch in D&T. This will help us when we make our puppets in a couple of weeks time. We had a go at threading the needle and worked with a partner to stitch two pieces of fabric together. 


We have been counting in 3s as part of our maths lessons this week. We used practical equipment to begin to recognise pattern and familiarise ourselves with multiples of 3. 



Week 4 - 23.09.24

This week, we have started reading a new story which we will use as the inspiration for our reading and writing lessons. We laughed at the mischief the wombat got up to when she visited a school. 

Wombat Goes to School: French, Jackie, Whatley, Bruce:  9780732299033: Books

We really enjoyed performing with our friends during our music lessons this week. 


In maths we have been learning to estimate on a number line. We looked at number lines between 0-10 and 0-100. Once we had explored the intervals on these number lines, we focused on number lines between two multiples of 10 i.e. 30-40 looking at which multiple of ten a number was closer to.



Week 3 - 16.09.24

We have had lots of fun in D&T this week! We practised different joining techniques in order to help us design and make our puppets later on in the unit. Here we are practising stitching, stapling, gluing, pinning and taping.


During our science lessons, we have been testing the suitability of different materials. We were given the challenge of building a bridge using different materials and then tested them to see which was the most fit for purpose. 



Week 2 - 09.09.24

This week, we started our unit on 'Attacking and Defending' in PE. We had lots of fun playing team games in which we started to think about using space.


We also started our new unit called 'Pulse, Rhythm and Pitch' in Music.


In Maths, we have been learning about place value. We have used place value charts and part-whole models to help us better understand the value of each digit in a two-digit number. Here we are practising flexible partitioning.



Week 1 - 02.09.24

We have really enjoyed seeing our friends and settling into our new classroom routines this week. The children have made a fabulous start to Year Two and we are excited for the year ahead!

This half term our topic is 'A Glace to the Past'. Have a look at our 'Learning Overview' page to find out more about what we will be learning over the next eight weeks. 

This week we have shared the book 'Diary of a Wombat'. This will be the focus of our English lessons and reading lessons for the next few weeks. 

Diary of a Wombat : French, Jackie, Whatley, Bruce: Books