What have Y3 been up to?
Spring Term 1
Week 6 14.02.25
As we reached our spring half-term the children ended the week completing a variety of different things. They completed their recount writing and even managed to finish the final chapter of the 'Hodgeheg'. Although it has been such a busy week, the children managed to fit in a visit to Telford Town Park to study the geographical locations (and have some fun!)
It really has been fantastic seeing the children work so hard, they have been a credit to Year 3 and Dothill Primary in general. However, before we depart for half-term we wanted to wish all our students a safe, happy holiday.
Week 5 07.02.25
This week the children have been concentrating on finishing their pop up books utilising the different mechanisms they have learned throughout our unit in Design Technology. It was impressive to see them in action as they placed pins to create loose and fixed pivots as well as utilise box folds to create dynamic pop up spiders.
Week 4 31.01.25
This week has been a particularly dirty week for Year 3 as the children have been preparing their Science experiments to see which cleans a dirty penny, an acid or an alkali. They took time to use litmus paper to test the PH balance of soap, vinegar, washing up liquid and lemon juice. After testing the substances they recorded their findings in charts ready for our experiment next week.
In maths, the children continued to look compare units of measurement from mm to cm and during English they finished their narrative story based upon catching a predator.
The swimming lesson on THURSDAY THE 13th OF FEBRUARY will NOT be going ahead due to the Year 3 trip to Telford Town Centre.
Week 3 24.01.2025
The children in Year 3 have had another busy week, which has included our second swimming session of the term. Please remember that there will be no swimming on Thursday 13th February as this will be our trip day to Telford Town Park. In our Science lessons, we have explored how litmus paper can be used to measure acidity or alkalinity of different household substances, such as ketchup, vinegar, laundry detergent and lemon juice. The children were very surprised to see how quickly the litmus paper changed colour to indicate the acidity of the different materials. In Computing this week, we have continued to explore Scratch coding, having looked at how to sequence sounds. We have used our outdoor PE time to practise our football dribbling and passing skills. In Maths, we have concluded our unit of work on Multiplication and Division using written methods and have made preparations to begin a new unit of learning about measurement, including perimeter.
We're looking forward to another action-packed week of learning next week, so we hope you enjoy a fabulous weekend and return to us refreshed and ready on Monday morning!
Miss Brotherton and Mr. Jones
Week 2 17.01.25
This week the students of Year 3 have been particularly active. Not only did they continue to develop their navigational skills in Geography. They also took part in a short field trip, walking around the local area of Dothill and marking key points on a map.
Not content with attempting to conquer the land, the pupils also attempted to conquer the waves as they started to take part in swimming lessons. It was delightful to see the huge effort they put into developing this vital skill. With that in mind we would like to remind parents to ensure that the children bring their swimming clothing and towels on a Thursday.
Autumn Term 2
Week 7 20.12.24
We have finally reached the end of our very first term in Year 3! The children have behaved beautifully and worked exceptionally hard this term and we could not have been prouder of their rendition of 'Holy Night' during the schools church service. Now with the end of term Christmas parties finished, the carol services done and the work completed, it's time for a well deserved break.
The Year 3 team would like to say thank you for all the support from parents and volunteers. It has been greatly appreciated and we could not do it without them. However before we sign off, there is one last acknowledgement. We would like to say a HUGE thank you and congratulations to the children of Year 3. Not only did they end their first term on a high note (quite literally with the singing!) but they have done so in a genuinely impressive way, conducting themselves fantastically.
Have a wonderful Christmas and we shall see you all in the new year.
Week 6 13.12.24
This week the children learned about the muscles in the human body and how they move our limbs. Continuing the French theme, they concluded learning how to say hello, goodbye, ask and say their name and count to 10 in French. The whole Year 3 team would like to say thank you to the all the children and families that attended our Christmas afternoon. We sincerely hope you had a good time.
Week 5 06.12.24
A wonderful time was had this week as Year 3 visited the SGGSJ Gurdwara on Wednesday to learn more about Sikhism. The children had a chance to see how members of the Sikh faith interact with their spiritual beliefs as well as their positive impact upon the wider community.
The Year 3 staff would like to take time to thank all of the volunteers and school staff for their time to support the children. Above all else, we would like to send our most sincere gratitude to the members of the SGGSJ Gurdwara for taking the time to welcome and educate us.
Finally, we would like to remind parents about the Year 3 Christmas Craft afternoon on Thursday the 12th of December. This will take place from 2pm to 3pm in the Big Hall where we will be exploring Christmas in France and building some festive models together.
Week 4 29.11.24
With December looming, the children have been hard at work this week getting ready by learning the lines of their Christmas carol "O Holy Night" What makes this even more impressive, is that is being sung in French!
If you would like to practice this at home here is the link:
O Holy Night in French (Douce Nuit) - Christmas song for kids with lyrics !
Week 3 22.11.24
This week the children finished their diary entries from the perspective of Mr. Fox and learned new rolls in PE. During Maths, they finished their work on formal methods of addition and subtraction and are currently preparing to learn more about multiplication and division. On that note, we would like to politely ask parents to please encourage their children to go onto TT Rockstars to learn their multiplication tables.
The students continued to learn more about food groups and looked at the dietary information on food packaging, specifically if the food would be classed as healthy or unhealthy.
Week 2 15.11.24
The children have been hard at work this week in Year 3, not only have they been writing diary entries based upon the events of the Fantastic Mr. Fox but they have been getting to grips with different types of jumps in gymnastics. In Maths, they continued to use formal methods of subtraction with exchanges and in Science they have learned about the different food groups. However, it seems starting our new unit in French has become very popular indeed!
So until next week, all of the Year 3 staff wish you the very best.
Au revoir!
Week 1 08.11.24
This week in Year 3, the children have worked extraordinarily hard. From learning about exchanges in Maths to further developing their knowledge of diary entries in Writing, they have conducted themselves admirably. They even managed to squeeze a visit from the Shropshire Fire Service to learn about what they do and fire safety.
Autumn Term 1
Week 8 25.10.24
A wonderful week was had in Year 3 this week. The students continued to read The Fantastic Mr. Fox and apply story elements into their writing. In Maths, they answered questions on both subtraction and addition using formal methods.
Lots of fun was had by the children and adults alike, when they went into the Dothill Nature reserve to build dens. However, the week ended shockingly as both Year 3 and 4 student transformed into horrific creatures of the night for a Halloween themed disco. Year 3 and 4 would like to express their sincerest gratitude to the Friends of Dothill for taking the time to provide treats and happiness for the children. It was truly above and beyond.
Finally, the Year 3 team would like to thank all of the children for working so incredibly hard in their first term. They have risen to the challenge of starting KS2 more than admirably and we would like to convey how exceptionally proud we are of them all.
Please have a wonderful, fun and above all safe half-term.
Week 7 18.10.24
This week in Year 3, the students have continued to develop their tennis skills in P.E. During Maths, they used a formal columnar method to add without exchanges. This knowledge will be further adapted to help solve subtraction calculations with no exchanged next week.
During Writing, the children looked at expanded noun phrases, adverbials and contractions to write about the adventures of the Fantastic Mr. Fox. This translated wonderfully as we continue to read the book and apply the events of the story dramatically.
Week 6 11.10.24
There was lots of messy fun in Year 3 this week as the students used salt dough to create their very own fossil imprint. The pupils began reading The Fantastic Mr. Fox, where they produced their own actions to the rhyme about Boggis, Bunce and Bean, the antagonists from the novel. This was an excellent opportunity for them to channel their inner actor (and also do some scary faces that terrified both Mr. Jones and Ms. Brotherton!)
During Maths, the students continued their work on mentally adding and subtracting numbers. This will continue into next week as they start using formal methods to add without exchanges.
Week 5 04.10.24
This week in Writing, Year 3 have worked exceptionally hard to plan how they would wash a Woolly Mammoth. During reading, the students finished UG: The Boy Genius and ended the week by writing their own thoughts and opinions on the book. In History, the children continued to learn about the process of making bronze tools and their impact on society during the Bronze age.
There were more fun antics with net and wall games during PE, as Year 3 honed their aiming skills by using rackets and balls to hit a target. Finally in Art, the children began to apply their knowledge of Stone Age pictures to create their own cave paintings.
Week 4 27.09.24
This week, in English, we began work on our new story book 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth'. To orientate ourselves and become immersed in the story, we began with a speaking and listening activity which involved washing cuddly toys while using a variety of techniques to build vocabulary. We collected our best words and phrases on our working wall to use throughout our writing unit. We had great fun and our toys were definitely far better behaved than the mammoth in the story!
During PE, we continued to dodge, duck, dip and dive while utilising our hand/eye coordination when using rackets and balls. The students really enjoyed the activities, despite the changing weather! In this weeks Science lesson, the children continued their work on identifying different rocks, specifically the permeability of them and how they can be utilised in modern structures.
Week 3 20.09.24
What a week it has been in Year 3! During Writing, the students continued to write their creative, narrative stories based upon the tale of "The Stone Age Boy" This allowed them to demonstrate their developing knowledge of fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases and subordinating conjunctions. In Music, the children used the notes C,D and E to accompany the song "Love What You Do".
The students developed their aiming skills in PE to roll and throw underarm, whilst building upon their bold dodging moves. In Maths, we consolidated our knowledge of place value using practical equipment.
Week 2 13.09.24
This week, Year 3 have been focusing on their place value during Maths lessons to ensure they understand ones, tens and hundreds. During art the children began to utilise charcoal to create the illusion of Stone Age cave paintings. Finally, during PE, Year 3 have been developing their footwork skills to successfully dodge, duck, dip and dive.
Week 1 06.09.24
What a fantastic first week back!! Year 3 have settled into Key Stage 2 really well and are working hard to learn all the new routines and expectations. Well done- we are really proud of the great start you have all made.
We have begun our history topic learning about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, as well as exploring how igneous rocks are formed. we particularly enjoyed the rocks lesson as it involved melting chocolate (although the children were unimpressed that they weren't allowed to eat it afterwards!!)