Dothill Primary School

What have Y6 been up to?

Spring 1

Week 6

What a busy week it has been this week! In our maths lessons, we have been consolidating our understanding of decimal numbers and learning how to calculate with decimal numbers. We discussed real-world contexts for decimal numbers (money, in particular). 

In Science, we have continued to learn about Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection. We learned about his voyage on HMS Beagle, which took him 5 years! We also learned about Mary Anning, who was a palaeontologist. Despite her incredible work, we were shocked to learn that she could not join the The Geological Society because she was a woman! 

Wishing you all a happy and safe half-term. 


Week 5

With most of the children at Arthog this week, the remaining Y6 children have had a fantastic week with Miss Taylor, who has planned a fabulous week of activities. The children have done the '50 Tree Trail' in the Dothill Nature Reserve, worked together to build dens and have enjoyed a trip to the park. In school, they have made some clay models, which resulted in the creation of some brilliant elephants and they have enjoyed getting the PE equipment out in the big hall. On Wednesday, they were collected by Arthog Outreach and had a superb day of canoeing! 

It has been a great week for the children and we are very grateful to Miss Taylor for all the hard work she has put in to making this a special week for them.



Week 4

In our writing lessons, we have been learning about biographies. We have focused on the features that would expect to be seen in a biography. In particular, we have had lessons on formality and how to turn informal writing into more formal pieces. 

In maths, we have continued to learn about algebra. We have solved algebraic equations and found values of unknown pairs that satisfy an equation. 

We have been creating a webpage design as part of our computing unit, having looked at what makes a successful webpage. 

Week 3

In Science this week, we have been learning about evolution and inheritance. We learned how living things adapt to their environment in order to survive. As part of our lesson, we researched an animal to find out how it had adapted to suit its habitat. As a challenge, we then considered how the animal would have to adapt to suit a different climate. 

We have started a new unit on algebra this week. Despite some initial apprehension, we quickly realised that algebra is not as tricky as we thought it would be and we have started the unit in a very positive and successful way! 


Week 2

This week, we have been continuing our work using 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick'. We have written some fantastic descriptive work, which had a very spooky feeling. We have also produced a plan, which will help us to write our next independent write. 

Week 1

The return to school has seen us start some new units. In writing, we are learning about writing narratives. We have been particularly focussing on descriptions, using our writing to paint a picture in our reader's head. We used images from 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick' book as inspiration for our descriptions.

In Maths, we have been learning about a completely new strand - ratio. This can be a tricky topic to understand but we have made a great start and have recognised the connection to fractions. 


Autumn 2

Week 7

This week, we have had our Christmas afternoon. Thank you to those adults who were able to make it. The children did a great rendition of Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas and did a fantastic job at the quiz. Then, they enjoyed creating Christmas decorations using clay.

We rounded off the week by getting the PE equipment out. It was great to see how the children were so supportive of each other, helping others to climb to the top and celebrating those who found it tricky. What a great way to finish the term! 



On behalf of the whole of the Year 6 team, we would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year. 


Week 6

This week, we have started our independent write for this unit of work. We are writing a persuasive brochure about a residential camp for children. After planning the writing, we wrote a first draft and then edited it. 

In Maths, we have been learning about units of measurement, thinking about the units that we would use to measure large or small quantities. After this, we moved on to learning how to convert between units of measurements. 

Week 5 

In PE this week, we have continued our gymnastics units and learning about point balances and counter-balances. We used objects and other people to create counter balances, which involved a lot of trust in our friends. 

Our work on persuasive texts has continued in our writing lessons. This week, we created a persuasive poster based on Camp Green Lake from our book, Holes. We learned about modal verbs and how to include them effectively within our persuasive writing.

In maths, we have been learning how to calculate fractions of numbers. We learned that the denominator is how many pieces we break the whole amount into and the numerator is the number of pieces we need. In order to help with this understanding, we used bar models to represent the problems pictorially. 


Week 4

In Maths this week, we have continued to learn about fractions. We learned how to divide fractions by integers and found that some fractions were easy to divide if the numerator was a multiple of the divisor. We furthered this by learning how to divide fractions when the numerator was not a multiple of the divisor. 

In our writing lessons, we have been learning about persuasive texts. Initially, we looked at the features of persuasive texts and the vocabulary that you might expect to see. 

In reading, we have had a particular focus on inference this week. We have been 'detectives' and looked for clues within the text so that we could infer how the character might be feeling, even though the author has not made it explicit.


Week 3

In Science this week, we have continued to learn about light. So far, we have learned that light travels in straight lines and learned how we are able to see objects because light is reflected off the object and into our eyes. This week, we learned about periscopes and how they work. Then, we created our own periscopes using cardboard boxes and mirrors.

In maths, we have finished our unit on the four operations and are revisiting fractions. This week, we have learned how to multiply fractions by integers. We then learned how to use partitioning to multiply mixed numbers by integers. 

In our writing lessons, we have planned our independent writing, which is writing a narrative letter. We had lots of interesting discussions about what Stanley might write to his mum - he might try to convince her that life at Camp Green Lake was great fun. On the other hand, he might tell her the truth...

Week 2

This week, we have been learning about letter writing. We are using our guided reading book (Holes) as inspiration by writing a letter as the main character from the story. We used evidence from the book to show that Stanley is close to his mum, and we decided that he would try to convince her how much fun he's having, even though he isn't. 

In PSHE, we have been learning about 'Celebrating Difference' and have discussed the concept of being 'normal'. We found that 'normal' is different for different people and considered things that are normal in our country might not be considered normal in others. 

Week 1

It's been straight back into the hard work this week as we've been learning how to use long division as a formal written method for dividing numbers. We learned that this is a crucial method for when the divisor is a prime number because we can't use factors to divide. 

In our reading lessons, we have started a new book called Holes. The story is about a boy called Stanley, who has been sent to 'Camp Green Lake', which is not as luxurious as it might first sound!


Autumn Term 1

Week 8 October

What a fantastic end to a great half term! This afternoon Y5 and 6 had an afternoon of Halloween, thanks to the Friends of Dothill. There was some fantastic costumes, some super dance moves and a great time was had by all. 

Week 7 October

Our Maths work has continued to focus on fractions this week and we have been adding and subtracting more complex mixed numbers. In order to do this, we have had to use our knowledge of equivalent fractions, partitioning and being able to convert mixed fractions to improper fractions. 

In English, we have started a new unit, which is explanation texts. We have learned how these differ from instructions, and what features would need to be included when writing an explanation text. 

Week 6 October

Throughout this week, our English work has been our independent writing. First, we wrote a draft of a diary entry, using the plan we created last week to structure our writing. Then, we edited our writing to ensure that we are using year 6 standards. Finally, we published our final, edited piece. 

In maths, we have continued our work on fractions, continuing to look at - and use - equivalence of fractions. This, we found has been extremely important when adding or subtracting fractions as the denominator must be the same. 

Week  5 October 2024

This week, we have been planning our first independent write, which is a diary entry. We are using the experiences of the main character from Street Child (Jim Jarvis)  as our inspiration. As a class, we discussed Jim's feelings around the events of the day and used this to support our writing.

In PE, we are continuing to learn about Leadership in PE, taking it turns to lead small groups in a range of activities. It's been fantastic to see the confidence of some of the quieter children grow.

In maths, we have started a new unit of fractions and have been understanding how we can use equivalent fractions to help us to compare and order fractions. 



Week 4 September 2024

In our reading lessons this week, we have created a cartoon strip about Street Child. We enjoyed using our creativity to show that we've understood the story so far and we're keen to find out what happens next to Jim.

We have continued to learn about electricity in our science lessons and have been investigating the effects of different voltages in a simple circuit, which was a great opportunity to get practical with the new equipment! 


Week 3 September 2024

This week, we have finished our maths unit on number and place value, by looking at negative numbers. We learned about the importance of using a numberline as a resource when calculating across zero. Our new unit started this week and we are learning about the four operations. When finding common factors, we have again been reminded about the importance of times-tables knowledge.

In PE, we are learning about 'Leadership in PE'. We had an important discussion about this being an important life skill, and it is not solely for leadership in PE. During our PE lessons, we will be taking it in turn to lead groups for a warm-up activity, a main activity or a cool-down activity. 

We have continued to read Street Child this week and have been following Jim's plight in the workhouse. Now separated from his ma, he is learning about how hard life can be in a Victorian workhouse. 


Week 2 September 2024

We have been developing our writing this week by adding subordinate clauses and relative clauses, making sure that we use the correct punctuation.

In reading, we have been continuing with our guided read text, Street Child by Berlie Doherty. The story in set in the Victorian era and has seen our main protagonist, Jim Jarvis, and his family being evicted from their home. As a result, his sisters have gone to work in a large house, leaving Jim and his mother to fend for themselves. Sadly, Mrs Jarvis has fallen ill and, unable to work, they have been sent to the workhouse. We are keen to find out what happens next for Jim and his mum.

In Maths, we have continued to look at place value and have been using this to order numbers and place numbers onto a numberline. Because we have been calculating increments on incomplete number lines, we have already learned how important our times-tables knowledge is going to be this year. 



Week 1 September 2024

This week, we have been revising different word classes and focusing on sentence structures. This will give us a secure understanding of grammatical features and help us to further develop our writing with more sophisticated grammatical features. 

In Maths, we have been learning about place value and understanding its importance, particularly in terms of laying out formal written methods, which we will be learning soon.

For this half term in Science, we are investigating Electricity, how to construct a range of different circuits and how to conduct fair investigations into concepts such as 'voltage' and its effects of electrical components.

This half term we are also studying: Leadership skills in P.E, The Victorians, creating a Victorian Fairground ride, PSHE and Computing.