Dothill Primary School

Y1 Learning Overview

This page is being updated.

Yearly Overview for Year One


Please click the link for the Year 1 Curriculum Overview.  This shows where and when each area of the national curriculum is taught over the year, homework expectations and enhancements that will be taking place. Over each academic year we ensure that there is a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on from previous learning.  We hope that you find this useful and use it to support learning and discussions at home. 



Year One Half Termly Overviews


At the beginning of each half term your child will come home with a paper copy of the overview for that half term, this will enable you to ask question about learning linked to specific subject areas.


Here are the overviews for each half term for Year One for this academic year:


Autumn One - All About Me

Autumn Two – Toys

Spring One – Animals

Spring Two – Me In My World

Summer One - Weather & Seasons

Summer Two - People in Motion