Dothill Primary School

Y1 Important Information

On this page you will find important information about Year 1.

Please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.


Year 1 Staff

1D - Miss Dhariwal

1G - Mrs Gill

Teaching Support - Mrs Burbank, Miss Cooke



P.E Day

On P.E days children are expected to come to school in their P.E kit and trainers.

In Year One our PE day is on a Monday. 


Break time

All children in Key Stage 1 are given a piece of fruit as a snack at break time so there is no need for parents to provide a snack.

As the weather gets colder please make sure that children bring a coat to wear at breaktime as all children are expected to be outside. 


School bags

All children should be coming to school each day with a water bottle, their reading diary and reading books.