Y1 Homework
Children are asked to read at home with an adult at least four times each week. Parents are asked to write a signature with the date in their child's reading diary each day to confirm they have read. If you wish you may comment on your child's reading.
All Year 1 children are following Read Write Inc and will therefore bring home two reading books. One will be the book they are reading within their group, the other will be a book to enjoy based on the story they are reading. Children are not expected to read both books every night but please make sure that both books are read throughout the week.
Each child will also bring home a story book for you to share with them. They may not be able to read this book but will enjoy listening to you read it.
It is important that your child brings their reading diary and reading books to school every day as they may need to be changed. Teachers will collect in reading diaries every Friday to comment on children's home reading.
The children will be bringing home a blue spelling book, with a list of 5 words to practise spelling at home. These are called ‘red’ words, as they do not follow the phonics patterns the children have learnt, so must be learnt by memorising. These can be done on the page the spellings are stuck in, on paper or in a more creative way of your choice.
This weeks spellings:
Each child has a NumBots log-in. NumBots helps to develop mental arithmetic skills and builds confidence with number. We ask that children use this frequently across the week. Each Friday we will celebrate their success.
Topic Work Project
Each half term children will be set a small project based upon that term's topic. During the last week of term children are asked to bring their project into school and share it with the class.
For our Autumn two homework, click here
For our Spring One Homework, click here