What have Y1 been up to?
Spring 2:
Week 2 - March 2025:
This maths this week we have began to develop our understanding of place value within 50. We started to look at partitioning the numbers and seeing how many tens and ones are used.
In Curious quest our focus book is Dogger by Shirley Hughes. We have been developing our writing by including ‘and’ in our sentence.
Week 1: February 2025:
In curious quest this week our focus traditional tale was Goldilocks and the three bears. We looked at ensuring we had full stops in our sentences.
This in maths we have been learning place value within 50. We looked at how numbers are made of 10s and ones.
Spring 1:
Week 6- February 2025
In Curious Quest our focus animation was Bubbles. We had a chance to draw where our bubble would take us. The children wrote about their image making sure they had capital letters in their sentences.
In maths we have been looking at volume and capacity. We compared the volume of different containers, using language like full, half full and empty.
Week 5 - February 2025
We have been looking at the mass of different objects. We then measured the mass of objects using scales.
Our focus book in curious quest this week was the tiger who came to tea. The children drew what animal they would have tea with and created their own code sentences.
Week 4: January 2025:
This week in maths we have learnt about height and length. We learnt vocabulary such as taller, shorter and longer. We even had a go at measuring using cubes and rulers.
In Art we had a go printing using recycled objected.
Week 3 January 2025:
In Curious quest we watched a short animation called ‘Embark’. We drew our own tree houses and decided what we would do when reunited with our favourite treehouse. In our code sentences we included ‘and’.
Week 2: January 2025:
Our traditional tale in Curious Quest this week was Hansel and Gretel. The children had a go at creating their own witches and candy house. The children also created their own code sentences using 'and'.
In science this week we learnt about the difference between mammals and birds. We noticed that birds have wings and feathers, whereas mammals can live on land and in water.
In maths we looked at finding the difference. We used practical equipment to compare two amounts to find the difference between the two numbers.
Week 1- January 2025:
This week in Curious quest our focus story was Chatterbox by Margert wild. We used the story as inspiration and created our own Chatterboxes.
In Science we have been learning about animals families. We sorted the animals into the different families and noticed the similarities of them.
Autumn 2:
Week 6- December 2024:
The last week of our term has been full of lots of Christmas activities.
On Monday and Tuesday we had our Christmas performance.
On Wednesday we spent the morning in the church singing christmas songs. In the afternoon we had a Christmas party. We also had a visit from Santa.
On Thursday as part of our advent calendar we watched a christmas movie.
We hope everyone has an amazing break and see you all on the 7th January 2025.
Week 5- November 2024:
This week in Science we have carried out an experiment to see whether an object would sink or float.
In Jigsaw we talked about who we can talk to when we are feeling sad or unhappy.
Week 4- November 2024:
This week in maths we have been developing our understanding of place value within 20.
In computing we have been programming Beebots to follow our instructions.
Week 3 - November 2024:
This week we have be looking at place value within 20. We have developing our understanding of one more and one less.
'One less than 18, is 17.'
In Curious Quest our focus poem has been Cheese and Jam. We have written what new sandwich he might make and where he lives.
In D&T this week we have made moving pictures. We have used sliders to help our character catch the gingerbread man.
Week 2 - November 2024:
This week in Design and technology we have created our own moving pictures using a split pin.
In Science we have been looking at different materials and describing how they feel.
Week 1 - November 2024:
In computing we have been programming Beebots to follow our instructions.
In maths we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We have noticed which shapes we can find in our classroom.
Autumn 1:
Week 8 - October 2024:
This week we had lots of fun in our Halloween disco.
Week 7 - October 2024:
In Maths this week, the children have been learning how to subtract. We used part whole models to support us with our understanding and practical resources to take away amounts.
In PSHE this week, the children were thinking about our rules and expectations in school. We created our own freeze frames for examples of positive behaviour and examples of behaviour we don't like to see in school.
Week 6 - October 2024:
In Drawing Club this week, the children have learnt about adjectives. We watched a short animation called "The Clock Tower" and used this as our inspiration for our own characters and settings. We were thinking of some exciting vocabulary that we could include in our sentences to describe.
In art, the children have been creating their own Amy Sherald inspired portrait. We created different patterns using paint on our self-portraits.
Week 5 - October 2024:
This week in maths we have been learning about how to add using the part-whole model to help us. We used numicon and counters to show how the parts add together to form the whole. The children then had a go at writing a number sentence to match their part-whole models.
In Geography the children were learning about what an aerial view is. We looked at aerial views of our local area and what our classroom might look like. The children used different resources to create an aerial view plan of our classroom.
Week 4 September 2024:
This week in Drawing club our focus has been the toy museum. Our imaginations were running wild as we drew the toys that got lost in the toy museum. In Science we have been looking at seasonal changes, we have noticed lots of changes that occur in each season. Some of the changes we have noticed are: the leaves fall off trees, it is getting darker sooner and we now need to wear out coats.
Week 3 September 2024:
In maths we have been looking at counting backwards from 10 and identifying numbers that are one more and one less. Drawing club this week has been focused on a short animation called Le Petit Cordonnier - The Little Shoemaker. We drew our own shop and what we would sell. In PE this week we have practised throwing objects using an underarm throw.
Week 2 September 2024:
Our first full week in year 1 has been busy. In maths we have been starting to recognise numbers as words. Our focus in drawing club this week has been Alice in Wonderland, where we drew our versions of the tale. As part of our science topic, ‘seasonal changes’ we created our own weather wheel represented by the different weather in each season.
Week 1 September 2024:
This week in year 1 we have been getting used to our new classes and routines. In drawing club this week our focus story has been ‘My monster and Me’ by Nadiya Hussain. The children have created some fantastic drawings of their own monsters and settings along with their code sentences. We have also received a letter from King Charles I thanking us for the card we sent him in the summer term of Reception. He really enjoyed looking at our drawing and reading our letter.