Dothill Primary School

Y4 Learning Overview


Yearly Overview for Year 4


Please click the link for our yearly overview.  This shows where and when each area of the national curriculum is taught over the year, homework expectations and enhancements that will be taking place. Over each academic year we ensure that there is a broad and balanced curriculum that builds on from previous learning.  We hope that you find this useful and use it to support learning and discussions at home. 


 Year 4 Half Termly Overviews


Here are the topics for each half term for Year 4 for this academic year:

Autumn One - Solid as a Rock
Learning about Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age.  Different types of rock and visiting the nature reserve.


Autumn Two – Celebrating Differences
Learning about Diwali, animals including humans and visiting a church and a Gurdwara.


Spring One – Human Nature

Learning about land use in Telford, including a visit to the town centre. Designing and making moving books and to sequence sounds on computers.


Spring Two – Extreme Earth

Learning about volcanoes and earthquakes, forces and magnets, and making a trip to Lego Land in Birmingham.


Summer One - Light at the end of the Tunnel

Learning about Ancient Egypt, light and taking part in an Ancient Egyptian workshop.


Summer Two - Changing Times

Learning about plants, making a free standing photo frame and considering how life is like a journey in different religions.