Y4 Important Information
Welcome to Year 4
4R/L - Mrs Horsfall, Mrs Longland
4W - Mrs Willoughby
Teaching Support - Mrs Rouse, Miss Street
If you have not yet set up a ParentPay account, please make sure that you do so. All of our ticketed events will be distributed using this system and all payments & consents for trips will be made using ParentPay. Without a ParentPay account, you will not be able to do any of these things. If you have lost the letter that we sent out, please speak to the office.
On PE days, children come into school wearing their PE kit.
4W - Tuesday
4RL - Friday
During Spring Term 2, Year 4 children will be going swimming on a Thursday, and will need their swimming kit (swimming costume and towel) each week.
This will replace their weekly PE lesson, so they will need to come in normal school uniform on all other days.