Dothill Primary School

Y4 Homework

Reading - 4 times a week

Reading at home remains the single most effective way of improving children's reading fluency. And, of course, reading unlocks learning in almost all other areas, so is the single most important skill to master.

Because of this, we expect all pupils in Year 4 to read at home at least 4 times a week. Each time they read, they should record it in their reading record. Please make sure the date is completed accurately, to make sure we can check reading frequency!


Times Tables Rockstars - 15 minutes on Garage, 2 minutes on Studio each week

Times tables are the fundamental skill to develop fluency and confidence in maths. Little and often is the most effective way to memorise facts and increase the speed of recall. Because of this, we recommend spending 5 minutes a day on TTRockstars, rather than completing the homework all in one go.  

The login for your account should be stuck inside the cover of your reading record. If you have lost it, then please ask your teacher for a new one!

As Year 4 will take the government's Multiplication Tables Check in June, we will be focussing very heavily on supporting your child to memorise ALL of their tables, up to 12 x12 by then. The more practice they put in at home, the easier they will find it.

Look out for a parents information event for further details on the multiplication check.

Spelling - choose 2 activities to practise each week

Each week a list of spellings will be stuck in or written by you in your spelling books. By the list, record the name of the activity and the date you completed it. This needs to be signed by an adult as evidence. You do not need to complete the practise in the book, or bring the actual practice into school. You can of course, ask someone to test you, or practice by writing out the words correctly,if you prefer.

Suggested spelling activities to help learn your spellings


Project Homework - once a half term

Each half term we will send home an optional piece of project homework. This will usually be linked to our foundation subjects (history, geography etc) and will provide an opportunity for more extended research into a subject and a creative approach to completing the assignment. Children can respond with written , digital or 3D responses - the more ambitious the better!

Autumn 1 Project Homework

Spring 1 Project Homework