Dothill Primary School

What have Y4 been up to?

Spring Term 1

Week 6 February 2025

Today we visited Telford town centre to observe and record it's various land uses, consolidating our terms geography lessons.  We saw many cafes and restaurants, a fair number of car parks plus open spaces/playgrounds for us to have some playtime (warm us up!).  Our teachers were impressed by our learning, stamina and living up to Dothill's expectations of being ready, respectful and safe.  Thank you to everyone who made the day so good.


Week 5 January 2025

In Science, we had good fun Cleaning Coins!  We designed a fair test to determine which substance would make some very dirty 5ps nice and shiny.  We wrote up our equipment list and method in advance, tested the substances with litmus paper and then made our own predictions. Interestingly, the results between groups differed so maybe our tests weren't quite fair enough?  

Week 4 January 2025

In English, we wrote Friendship narratives inspired by our guided reading book - Charlotte's Web.  We planned first to ensure our story had a decent plot, ideas for detailing characters and setting plus plenty of interesting vocabulary. We also edited a draft version before writing it up neatly, giving us the opportunity to improve sentence structure, spelling etc. You will be glad to know most stories had a happy/friendly ending.

Week 3 January 2025

In Design Technology, we are designing and making 'Moving Books'.  In our last two lessons, we have been learning how to make different mechanisms that will make our books interactive.



Week 2 January 2025

This week we ventured out of school on a walk around our local area.  We used maps to mark our route and identified different land uses such as residential and retail.


We will be continuing our geography field work on our trip to Telford Town Centre later on in the term. Please make sure you have consented and paid through ParentPay. Many thanks.

Week 1 January 2025

What a fabulous start to 2025!!  Despite the cold weather, Year 4 have shown a warm and enthusiastic attitude to their learning, and are really showing their independence and maturity.

In reading and writing, we have begun our new class book: Charlotte's web, whilst many of us have been very excited to start our PE unit of Football!

In geography, we are learning about land use in Telford and were fascinated to look at a variety of maps focussed on Wellington and Dothill. Some of us were even able to find our own houses on the map!

Next week, on our PE day, we will be walking around Dothill, looking at different land uses in the real world around us. Please be mindful of the weather that day and ensure your child has a coat.


Autumn Term 2

Week 2 November 2025

This week has been all about the times tables in maths!  We have now covered the 3x, 6x, 9x and 7x tables (plus the ones we learnt last year of course!). Please make sure you keep practising as much as you can.

Can you get your child to show you the finger trick to help remember the 9x table??


Week 1 November 2024

This week, we have started all of our new units, such as learning about Diwali in RE, computer networks in computing and nutrition and food groups in science.

We are still really enjoying our Reading and English work using Beetle Boy by M.G. Leonard and are working really hard in maths on our multiplication and division - especially learning our times tables!

To start our gymnastics unit off in PE, we really enjoyed our time exploring the larger apparatus.


Autumn Term 1

Week 6 October 2024

In English, the children have been working hard on their writing by planning, writing, editing and publishing their own instructions based around the book 'How To Wash a Woolly Mammoth.' They have each chosen their own prehistoric animal to clean (from the terrifying sabre-toothed tiger to the very cute glyptodon). The children have come up with great ideas, thinking carefully about the equipment needed and a whole range of imaginative methods of washing these tricky beasts! 

In music, the children have been learning to sing and accompany the song 'My Bonnie Lies over the Ocean.' Before this, they listened to two versions of this song - one from a folk group and the other from a skiffle group- voting for their favourite version and justifying their choices. 

Week 5 September 2024

In maths, we have completed our place value topic and moved onto our new unit focussing on addition and subtraction. We are learning to use column addition and subtraction, exchanging and rearranging when needed.  In addition to their TTRS homework, the children's logins also give them access to Numbots. Many children would benefit from some extra practice on here, as they need to develop quicker recall of single addition facts such as 6+7, so please encourage your child to do as much extra practice on this fun game as they can. There is also a link to a free site with lots of other addition and subtraction games which should be both fun and useful.


Addition and subtraction games

Week 4 September 2024

This week, in English, we began work on our new story book 'How To Wash A Woolly Mammoth'. To orientate ourselves and become immersed in the story, we began with a speaking and listening activity which involved washing cuddly toys while using a variety of techniques to build vocabulary. We collected our best words and phrases on our working wall to use throughout our writing unit. We had great fun and our toys were definitely far better behaved than the mammoth in the story!


After we had read the text, we were split into groups to perform the story and so we were given the text with some bits missing. We had to add extra details and actions to try and make our performances exciting, fun, and engaging.


Week 3 September 2024

This week, in PSHE, we considered what our dream school would look like (and we realised just how fabulous our school is!) We identified that rules and responsibilities are vital to having a happy school. 

In Music, we continued to explore and learn 'disco' songs and we improvised, creating 'in-the-moment' compositions on the glockenspiels. This was great fun and sounded awesome too! 

Week 2 September 2024

We've had another busy ,but great, week! The children have continued to work hard in all their lessons including developing their knowledge of place value in maths (up to 10,000) and beginning to write their own Stone Age story in English. 

In Science, we have explored the properties of Sedimentary and Metamorphic rocks. We tested a series of different rocks for their durability, permeability and density and then we considered how knowing the properties of rocks helps to determine the different jobs rocks may be used for. 


Week 1 September 2024

What a fantastic first week back!! Year 4 have settled back into school routines brilliantly and we are all very proud of their hard work and responsible attitudes.

We have begun our history topic learning about changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age, as well as exploring how igneous rocks are formed.  we particularly enjoyed the rocks lesson as it involved melting chocolate (although the children were unimpressed that they weren't allowed to eat it afterwards!!)