Dothill Primary School

What have EYFS been up to?

Week beginning 24.2.25

This week, our book for Drawing Club was 'Oliver's Vegetables' and lots of the children's explorations centred around plants, vegetables and growing. 


In art, children enjoyed sketching, colouring and painting using real life flowers, fruits and vegetables.


The Cosy Café reopened this week and children enjoyed making healthy plates for their friends. Some children even chose to create their own picnics on the carpet with the pretend foods. Other children's explorations including buying fruit and veg in the class shop.

In our PSHE lesson, we talked about keeping our bodies healthy and the different types of exercise we do. Some children shared that they ride their bikes, have swimming lessons and even go to clubs such as ballet and gymnastics - fantastic! One child showed us some things she's learn from boxing club.


Week beginning 10.2.25

Lots of children have enjoyed learning adventures using construction this week including: Lego in the Land of Far Away, Mobilo in Carpet Kingdom and big blocks in the Building Site. 


Well done to all children who brought a homework project into school to share with us. Each child shared their project with the class, talking about what they had made.

The children have been getting stuck in with lots of learning adventures in the outdoor area. Staff have sent waterproof suits home to be washed after all this fun!

Week beginning 3.2.25

For Drawing Club this week, the children listened to the story 'Rosie's Walk'. Explorations were based on the children's interest in the story.

Children built some of the places on the farm such as the mill and the haystack:

Children created a visual map of Rosie’s walk using loose parts

Children followed directions to find Rosie the hen in the outside area:


Week beginning 27.1.25

EYFS have been enjoying learning all about Chinese New Year and have got involved in lots of activities including making lanterns and learning a dragon dance.

In maths lessons, the children learnt about measuring and started to use language such as 'tall', 'short', 'taller', 'shorter, 'tallest' and 'shortest' to describe height.

Week beginning 20.1.25

This week, EYFS have enjoyed lots of learning adventures, making use of the building site and enjoying the Mobilo to construct a range of different vehicles. Some children explored the jigsaw puzzles, while others made the most of our two new learning areas - an exciting class shop and a fabulous Drawing Club table.

Maths lessons having been focussing on shape as the children have been learning to identify squares and rectangles and recognise the properties of circles and triangles. They sorted circles and triangles of different sizes and also different types of triangles. Children had a great time on a shape hunt, looking for circles and triangles inside and outside the classroom.


Week beginning 13.1.25

Another busy week for the children in EYFS! 

In maths, children have learnt to: recognise die patterns to 6; link die patterns to numbers shown on their fingers; use die patterns to play track games and help to build towers in order from 1–5 squares, noticing the staircase pattern and recognising that each number is 1 more.


There was a fantastic visit from local police officers. The children learnt about how the police help us, what it takes to be a police officer and what the uniform includes. Some children tried on the uniform and we all got to see the police car with the sirens on!



Week beginning 7.1.25
With the cold weather this week, the children have been exploring a science topic about freezing and melting. The children used different materials to find out which helped the ice to melt the quickest.

In maths, the children were encouraged to represent quantities in different ways, including by showing amounts on 1 hand ‘all at once’. There was also a new focus on the symbolic representation of number as children used a number track to play dice-based games. Playing games with dice will consolidate the children’s understanding of the order of numbers and allow them to link the numbers on a track to the quantities on a die.

Outside, the children's explorations have included making the most of our new outdoor equipment for den building.

Indoors, children enjoyed playing together in groups on various jigsaw puzzles.

Week beginning 16.12.24

We hope you all enjoyed the EYFS nativity on Monday. Weren't the children fantastic? They made us really proud.

The children have been on lots of learning adventures this week. Check out these exciting explorations in the classroom:

The children have enjoyed taking part in sharing their homework projects for this half term. We've have been blown away by the hard work and effort put in to the animal habitat projects. 


Week beginning 9.12.24

Preparations for the EYFS nativity continue this week with dress rehearsals. We can't wait for you to see it next Monday morning!

This week, EYFS joined Year 1 for a puppet show in the hall, led by Above My Head puppet company.

In class, at the Creation Station, children have been using 2D shapes to build pictures of Christmas trees, presents and snowmen to decorate! At the Land of Far Away, there have been arctic animals for children to enjoy imaginative small world play. Our maths activities have revolved around Christmas too with snowmen, snowflakes and an I spy and count winter activity. In the classroom café, children have been encouraged to write menus including Christmas treats.

Week beginning 2.12.24

EYFS have been busy in maths using whiteboards and counters to create patterns of five. The children found parts and the whole five. We talked about how 1 and 4 make 5 together and also 2 and 3 make 5.

We're starting to get in the Christmas spirit, making decorations and decorating our classroom!


Week beginning 25.11.24
This week, the children have been learning about different types of homes and what makes each type unique.
Explorations have included: creating castles with towers in the building site, looking for animal habitats in the garden and drawing our own homes. Children talked about their favourite room in their home.









Outside, the children have been on adventures building their own structures using crates or drainpipes.






Week beginning 11.11.24
Another lovely week in EYFS!

Children have been enjoying the building with the crates and the drain pipes in the garden.


Explorations indoors have included: making homes using junk modelling at the Creation Station, constructing houses on the Building Site and bringing leaves inside to create pictures.



Dental Nurse Visit 14.11.24

Today, we had a visitor to talk to the children about oral hygiene. The children had a great time listening to Zoe, the nurse, share how to look after their teeth. 


Week beginning 5.11.24

This week the children have learnt about Diwali. 


The children have also been taught about Bonfire Night. They have had the opportunity to create fireworks in lots of different ways.



Maths this week is teaching children to:
• Sort given objects according to a set criteria.
• Recognise objects can be sorted in a variety of ways. 
• Sort objects and explain the criteria.
• Identify when an object does not belong in a set.

The focussed sessions include children learning to sort objects such as compare bears, dominoes, buttons (and more!) by type, size, colour, shape and texture.

Explorations have included using the construction area to build bridges from the story about Rama and Sita. 


Spooktacular Halloween Day 25.10.24

Autumn Trees Handprint Painting

Skeleton Dancing

Leaf Man Collages

Tissue Paper Bat Mobiles

Our Spooooktacular Outfits




Week beginning 21.10.24

Children's explorations this week included: using autumn leaves in the creative area, hunting for interesting natural specimens outdoors and creating pictures using autumn leaves, sticks, branches etc. 





Children have been focussing well in Read Write Inc. sessions as they learn to read and write sounds. A reminder to parents/carers that all the sounds we have taught so far in these phonics sessions are available in the 'homework' section of our class page.


Week beginning 14.10.24

The rain didn't dampen our spirits in EYFS this week!

Children had a great time in their waterproofs and wellies taking the learning outside.



In maths, children have been busy learning to:
• practise counting each object, action or sound once.
• hear and join in with the counting sequence to 5
• see that they have 5 fingers on one hand. 
• say and make numbers to 5 on their fingers.
• make collections of 5 in different ways.
• use counters to represent 5 objects
• use a die frame to represent 5.
• count 5 and 5 to make 10 altogether.

The RWI sounds we've covered this week are: w, z, x, m and a. Children are really getting into the swing of our speed sounds sessions. We had a big focus on forming the letters correctly.

The mud kitchen in our outdoor area is open and children have been enjoying it in their waterproofs and wellies. Check out these photos of the children working on making some amazing soups, cakes and hot chocolates!

Week beginning 7.10.24

Another busy week in EYFS!

This week in maths, language was a key focus and adults modelled the language of ‘more than’ and ‘fewer than’ to describe how many objects there are in each set.

The sounds in RWI were h, r, j, v and y this week. The children are getting better at using a pencil to write these, showing off their best writing every day!

We have been learning that there are many different types of homes and finding out how to design and make an example of a home. Also, we have learnt about symbols and promises made at a Christian wedding.

PE was great fun, dancing with a partner to 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush'.

Week beginning 30.9.24

The children have been working hard this week!

In maths sessions, the children have been super busy learning to: know that 2 is made of 1 and 'another 1'; make their own collections of 2 objects and identify the '1 and another 1' within them; identify when a collection is composed of 3 objects; produce their own collection of 3; identify when a collection is composed of 3 or NOT 3; see that 4 can be made with four 1s. The children worked really well using multilink cubes and other objects to show 2, 3 and 4.


In Read Write Inc. we have started learning to blend sounds together using magnetic letters and boards. Our new sounds this week are: u, b, f, e, l. Check out the videos in the 'homework' section of our class page for more information about this.

Lots of children have already brought in their baby photos and enjoyed circle time sharing them. We talked about how they have grown and changed since they were a baby.




Week beginning 23.9.24

What a lovely week it has been!

Read Write Inc. sessions have focussed on recognising the following sounds: p, g, o, c and k. Children have enjoyed practising writing these sounds using the correct letter formation.

In PE, we danced to head, shoulders, knees and toes. We changed the speed of music and enjoyed dancing excitedly, angrily and shyly.

In PSHE, we learned about taking turns and how to share. Our catchphrase is 'sharing is caring'.

During maths, children have continued to learn to use ‘perceptual’ subitising (instant recognition) by saying the number of sounds that they can hear, such as claps or drum beats, without needing to count. They have been encouraged to look closely at small quantities and observe whether the quantity has changed or only the arrangement. 









Look what we've been up to in the construction area!


Week beginning 16.9.24

We've had another fantastic week in EYFS.

In maths, we have been hearing and joining in with the counting sequence to 5, as well as practising counting objects, actions or sounds.

We have been learning to read and write the sounds s, t, d, i and n in Read, Write Inc.

Other fun activities include: exploring the sense of touch for Science, singing and learning actions in Music and creating self-portraits in Art. PE looked at dance this week.

We have loved exploring in the outdoor area. See some of our learning, including a bug hotel and obstacle courses, in the photos below:




Week beginning 9.9.24

What a busy week we have had in EYFS!

This week, we have learnt about parts that make up our bodies and we have begun to explore our senses. We learnt about our sense of smell and took part in an activity to see if we could identify different smells whilst blindfolded.

In maths we have been subitising numbers to 3. Subitising means recognising how many objects there are without needing to count them.