Dothill Primary School

EYFS Important Information

On this page you will find important information about EYFS. Please don't hesitate to contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.


Notices for parents/carers

NSPCC PANTS campaign

Welcome back!
We are looking forward to welcoming you all back tomorrow (Tuesday 7th January).

If anyone is having a clear out after Christmas, we would be very grateful for donations of any wicker, wooden or natural looking baskets. Any size or shape would be useful in EYFS.
Thank you!


Water bottles
Please ensure your child has a drinks bottle in school every day filled with water.
Sports water bottle clipart cartoon style vector illustration | Premium  AI-generated vector

Socks and tights
EYFS would also welcome any donations of socks and tights that we could offer to children to borrow and return if theirs get wet while they are at school.

Yes Day snacks - 20th December
IMPORTANT! No nuts, please | News Post Page

If you are sending a snack in to school for 'Yes Day' on Friday 20th December, please ensure they are nut-free as we have children in EYFS with severe allergies. Many thanks for your support with this.


Christmas jumpers - 18th December
Children are welcome to wear a Christmas jumper, instead of their school jumper/cardigan, on Wednesday 18th December. We can't wait to see all the fantastic festive jumpers in EYFS!Reindeer Sweater Clip Art - Reindeer Sweater Image

Homework projects
Parents and carers, thank you for your help with the super homework projects children have brought into school so far this week. We are loving the fabulous animal habitats the children have been busy working on! There's still time for your child to bring a project in to share before we break up on Friday.


EYFS nativity
We hope you can join us for the EYFS nativity on Monday 16th December at 09:30am. Please book via ParentPay by Wednesday 11th December. Please note: due to space restrictions, there is a limit of two places per family.
Your child does not require a costume for the nativity. The EYFS team will take care of the children's costumes. You can simply enjoy seeing your little one in their first school performance! :)


Parents' Evening
It was lovely to meet you all this week. Thank you for your time.

Children in Need - Fri 15th Nov
Children are invited to wear mufti (it can be spotty if they have something at home!). Donations can be made via Parent Pay.

Homework projects - thank YOU! :)
Parents and carers, thank you all for the amazing homework projects that have already come in to school this week. It has been wonderful to see what the children have made with your help. We have started to make a fabulous classroom display with the ones we've had so far. 

Parents' Evening
Please return all slips for Parents' Evening to Mrs Melville or Mrs Wood/Mrs Thackray by Friday 25/10.

Outdoor learning
Thank you to those of you who have already sent in a pair of wellies and waterproof outdoor clothes to keep at school. If your child doesn't have these in school yet, please send them in ASAP.


Key information

EYFS Staff
RM - Mrs Melville
RW/T - Mrs Wood (Mon/Tue/Wed) & Mrs Thackray (Thur/Fri)

EYFS Teaching Support - Miss Coomber, Miss McInnis, Miss Thornhill


Outdoor Learning
As part of the EYFS curriculum we explore the natural areas around school creating various forest arts and developing our knowledge and understanding of the world. Children need to bring a waterproof outfit that they can wear over their school uniform and a pair of wellies. These need to be named and left in school. 


Fitness Friday
In EYFS, we have Fitness Friday. The children are expected to wear their P.E kit and trainers to school and wear them for the duration of the day.


Break time
All children in EYFS are given a piece of fruit as a snack during the day so there is no need for parents to provide a snack.
As the weather gets colder please make sure that children bring a coat to wear at breaktime as all children are expected to be outside.