Dothill Primary School

EYFS Homework

Topic Work Project

Each half term, children will be set a small project based upon that terms topic. During the last week of the half term children are asked to bring their project into school and share it with the class.

Spring One - People Who Help Us

This half term's homework project is all about people who help us. You could:
- Create a thank you card for someone who has helped you.
- Draw, paint or use collage to make a picture of an emergency services worker (e.g. a police officer) in their uniform.
- Make a model of an emergency vehicle (such as a fire engine) out of junk modelling materials
- Think about what you may like to do when you grow up. Draw a picture of yourself in this job role and talk about it.

Please bring your projects in to school to share on the week beginning Monday 10th February.


Children learn phonics using the Read Write Inc scheme. Please find below links to help your child learn the sounds they have been taught so far.

Set 1 - m

Set 1 - a

Set 1 - s

Set 1 - d

Set 1 - t

Set 1 - i

Set 1 - n

Set 1 - p

Set 1 - g

Set 1 - o

Set 1 - c

Set 1 - k 

Set 1 - u

Set 1 - b

Set 1 - f

Set 1 - e

Set 1 - l

Set 1 - h

Set 1 - r

Set 1 - j

Set 1 - v

Set 1 - y

Set 1 - w

Set 1 - x

Set 1 - z




Your child has been given a class library book for you to enjoy with them at home. This book can be changed in school whenever you and your child are ready to swap it for a new one.
In addition to this, your child will soon be coming home with a set 1 speed sounds book, which contain the sounds they have been learning in their phonics session.
We ask that you read with your child at least four times per week and record this in their yellow reading diary with a signature to confirm they have read. 


Maths (Please click on picture to take you to the Numbots website)

Each child will be given a NumBots log-in at a later date.  NumBots helps to develop mental arithmetic skills. Children in EYFS will be expected to complete 10mins of NumBots each week.



Autumn One - Family Tree
We would like the children to explore their family history by creating a family tree together.
The family tree could include names and pictures. It might look like a poster or a small booklet. You could draw your family or include photographs. It's up to you - be creative and have fun!
Please bring homework into class to share during the week beginning 21st October 2024.

Autumn Two - Animal Home
This half term's homework project is all about animal habitats.

You could:
- Build a nesting box and materials for birds
- Make an insect shelter using recycled materials or natural items
- Make a hedgehog house using an old plastic box as a den for hedgehogs to hide in
- Go on a habitat hunt in the local area and then draw/photograph animal homes homes you find
- An idea of your own!

Please bring your projects in to school to share with us the last week of half term (week beginning Monday 16th December 2024).