Dothill Primary School

Donations and School Sandwich Orders

Please read below re: donations to school and school sandwich orders


As you know, at Dothill we really value educational enhancements and we plan in regular trips and visitors to inspire our children’s learning. These, unfortunately, cost money, and including the cost of transport, have gone up quite dramatically. Thank you so much to those parents who have been able to pay for their child’s trips and visitors.  We have an increasing number of families who are not so financially fortunate, and this means that on many of our trips we make a loss as a school and we use our budget to make up the short fall.

As we approach the end of the year we wondered if there were any parents who were willing and able to support the school by making a financial contribution. If you feel you would like to do this then you can go on to ParentPay in the normal way and chose the amount that you would like to give. This facility will be available until 31st August 2024. Thank you in advance to anyone who is able to help.


School Sandwich Orders

On another subject completely – Donna has asked me to remind you that if you would like your child to have school sandwiches in the autumn term you MUST fill out a new order form in advance and add the new class name to the form. The order forms are available on our school website in the Parents section, following this link: order-form-dothill-updated-june-2023.pdf (

Best wishes

Becca Butler

Head Teacher

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