Dothill Primary School

Ofsted Inspection Report

Following our recent inspection on 11th and 12th June, I am delighted to be able to share the OFSTED Inspection report with you, prior to its publication on the OFSTED website within the next week.

The inspector that visited our School carried out their inspection over two days, which included deep dives into various subjects, lesson visits, discussions with staff/pupils, meetings with school leaders and scrutiny of work undertaken by children. They met with the headteacher, deputy headteacher, other key members of staff, members of the governing body, other external agencies, spoke with parents, and reviewed documentation provided by the school.  More of what inspectors looked at can be found within the official report. 

The inspectors concluded that Dothill Primary School is a GOOD school. 

The Governing Body consider this an excellent achievement for Dothill and are exceptionally proud of all staff and pupils for their efforts during this inspection, the time leading up to the inspection, and the ongoing performance of the school. 

The lead inspector was able to clearly see and feedback on the aspects of the school that make Dothill a unique place to learn and work.

I have included a few extracts from the report that highlight the vision, values and commitment that Dothill celebrates:

  • This is a school where everyone has a voice. Pupils are happy to come to school because they feel valued and safe.
  • The school has high expectations in all aspects of school life.
  • There is a strong focus on helping pupils develop as citizens.
  • Leaders have designed a curriculum that is broad and ambitious. They have made thoughtful choices about the knowledge and concepts they want pupils to know in depth.
  • There is a strong reading curriculum. Teachers are well-trained and ensure pupils learn to read from the start.
  • The school manages behaviour very well. This starts in the early years where strong relationships and clear routines means that pupils are safe and happy.
  • Pupils know they have someone to talk to if they have any worries and that adults will help them sort out any problems.
  • Pupils have strong values because these are promoted at every opportunity in school life.

The full report can be found by clicking on the link below and is also available to view on our Website (Search in Our School > Ofsted): Ofsted Report 2024.

It is worth recognising that the report is extremely positive, and there is only one area highlighted that needs further work. School leaders had already identified this as an area for development and have been working hard to improve this. 

Should you have any queries or concerns, we would urge you to contact the school who will then be able to direct you to the relevant person, to discuss any matters further.

Best wishes

Jenny Naujeer

Chair of Governors

Dothill Primary School

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