RSE parent drop in session from 2:30pm
Date: 20 May 2024
In the second half of the summer term, our Jigsaw PSHE curriculum focuses on the unit ‘Changing Me’, which contains some of the content of our Relationship and Sex Education curriculum.
As we did last year, we are again offering a drop-in session for you to have a look at the lesson content and resources we will be using, should you want to find out more before your child begins this topic.
Our drop-in session will be from 2.30pm on Monday 20th May, where I will be around to discuss the lesson content and show you the resources we will be using with your child.
There is no need to let us know prior to the day whether you plan to attend, you can simply just drop-in for an informal chat.
I have attached an outline of the RSE content, for each year group, for your information.
Many thanks,
Mrs K Renshaw
(PSHE lead)
what-do-our-relationships-and-sex-education-lessons-look-like.pdf (
parent-drop-in-session-rse.pdf (