Dothill Primary School

Friends/PTA AGM - 7:30pm via Teams - further update

Please find to follow an update from The Friends of Dothill:

The Friends of Dothill Primary School would like to invite you to this year’s virtual Annual General Meeting on Monday 24th March at 7:30pm.

In line with the charity’s constitution we re-elect the officer and ordinary committee roles at the AGM each year, these roles are:

·       Chair – This post is currently held by Laura Benting.

·       Vice Chair – This post is currently held by Lucy Dorricott.

·       Treasurer – This post is currently held by Stacey Cottrell. Stacey has indicated her intention to step down from this role at the end of this academic year as her daughter moves to secondary school, therefore we are looking for someone to step into this role.

·       Secretary – This post is currently vacant and therefore we are looking for someone to step into this role.

·       Ordinary Committee Member (Social Media) – This post is currently held by Louise Park. Louise has indicated her intention to step down from this role at the end of this academic year as her son moves to secondary school, therefore we are looking for someone to step into this role.

·       Ordinary Committee Member (Grants and Match Funding) – This post is currently held by Kayleigh Ganderton.

If you want to be considered for one of the above or would like further information please drop us a message or complete an attached nomination form and return to [email protected] by the 17th March 2025.

The Friends cannot run without its army of volunteers and we are thankful to all that can support in any way. If you are interested in lending a hand or finding out more please email [email protected]

We look forward to seeing as many of you for the AGM as possible!
