Dothill Primary School

Parking at Key Busy Times - Oct 24 update

As you know, the location of our school is not ideal for those parents who need to drop off and pick up in their cars.  We have had recent concerns shared by residents regarding parking close to school at the start and end of the day. Please can you help us be good neighbours by ensuring you respect the access to private properties by not parking over driveways.

My primary concern is for the safety of children, parents and other pedestrians. Please can you help us by parking safely and considering safe access when driving and walking. It may be that parking further away, car sharing or allowing children to cycle could go some way into helping with the solution. 

We have also contacted the PCSO team to see if they can support at these times.

Thank you for your support in this ongoing tricky issue.

Mrs Thomas

Head Teacher

Dothill Primary School