Dothill Primary School

Y34 Nature Reserve visit Oct 24 - 1 class per day as below

To bring our topic on Britain from the Stone Age to Iron Age to an end, each class in Years 3 and 4 are going to spend one afternoon next week, shelter building in the nature reserve.

This will be both great fun and also allow them to consider some of the challenges that our ancestors faced when trying to survive.

The visits will happen on the following days:

Monday 21st October – 3J
Tuesday 22nd October – 3B
Wednesday 23rd October – 4RL
Thursday 24th October – 4W

On the day of their visit, your child will need to come to school in appropriate clothing for walking and moving around in the nature reserve. I expect it will be very muddy, so please send them in warm, old clothes that you do not mind getting dirty. Your child will need to bring a change of shoes (wellies or
boots). They will need to change into these in the afternoon, so should wear school shoes or trainers in the morning in class. Please can they bring their change of shoes in a plastic bag, so the dirty ones can be placed in there to come home!  Also, and most importantly, they will need a waterproof coat. We will still visit the nature reserve even if it is raining, so this is of utmost importance. If your child does not have a coat on the day of their class’s visit, they may have to remain at school.

34-nature-reserve-den-building-letter-to-parents-final.pdf (