Dothill Primary School

Y6 Important Information

Welcome to Year 6!

On this page, you will find important information about Year 6. Please don't hesitate to ask your child's class teacher if you have any questions.



6J - Miss Jobe & Miss Taylor

6K - Mr Kirkpatrick & Miss Cooke


Y6 Art & Design (Summer term - 2nd half)

After half term, Y6 will be studying the Ancient Greeks. As part of this, they will be using clay to make a bust and will need to bring in a picture or photo in the first week after half-term. This could be a picture of a relative, a historical figure or someone they admire. 


End of Year Performance

As the end of the year is fast approaching, we have started to allocate parts for our end of year performance so that the children can start learning their lines  organise their costumes. 

For a suggested list of outfits for each character, please click here


Leavers' Hoodies

Your child should have brought a letter about hoodies for Year 6 children. If you would like for your child to have a hoodie, you will need to place the order directly. Further details about how to place an order are contained within the letter - click here for a copy. 

Please note that this has been kindly organised by parents, not the school. If you have any questions, please see the letter for contact details of the parents who have organised it. Thank you. 


Y6 SATs Information & helping at home

Thanks to those parents who were able to attend the SATs information afternoon; it was fantastic to see so many of you. If you were unable to attend the meeting, the presentation with all of the information discussed can be found here. Additionally, helpful websites and the statutory spelling lists can found here

In particular, this is a good site for helping with Maths at home - White Rose Maths - as it aligns with the methods taught in school so it will be familiar to your child. 



If you have not yet set up a ParentPay account, please make sure that you do so. All of our ticketed events (eg Leavers' assembly) will be distributed using this system and all payments & consents for trips will be made using ParentPay.  Without a ParentPay account, you will not be able to do any of these things. If you have lost the letter that we sent out, please speak to the office. 



PE Days              

6J        Thursday

6K         Friday

On their PE days, children will be asked to come to school in their PE kit. Our PE uniform is:

  • Black tracksuit bottoms/joggers/leggings/shorts
  • Black zip up hoodie/sweatshirt
  • Pale blue PE T-shirt *
  • Black or white trainers
  • Black, white or grey socks
  • All items should be completely plain with no logos, designs or decorations

*The pale blue PE T-Shirt with a Dothill logo is available for purchase from our uniform suppliers – Baker and Sons in Wellington. 


For further details about school uniform, please click here.