Dothill Primary School

What to do if you are concerned about a child?

If you have any concerns with regards to safeguarding then please speak with any member of staff in school who you feel you could confide in. 

Please remember that all our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) are always available to talk and support where possible. You can contact them by emailing or phoning the office who will arrange for you to speak with the requested adult. 

Please remember that we always have DSLs outside at the beginning and end of every day who will also help you. 

Are you concerned about your own family and require additional support / advice?

Family Connect is a free, confidential service providing, impartial advice, information, guidance, and support on a full range of children's services available across the borough including childcare, activities, school admissions and finance.

Family Connect aims to ensure that all families are getting the right help at the right time.

If you have any concerns then please refer to the family connect website where you will find a whole wealth of information.

Have you seen or heard something about another child that makes you feel concerned?

Do you have a safeguarding concern about another family?  Have you seen or heard something that you feel is putting the child at danger?  Has your child shared information in confidence about another child?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then please call Family Connect directly and share your concerns.