Dothill Primary School

First Half Summer Term After School Clubs

We are excited to announce the clubs that will be running in the first half of the Summer Term.

There will be four clubs running each half term. We will ensure that every year group has the same number of clubs across the year so that it is fair for everyone.

Name of club

Led by

Age group


Start Date

Junk Modelling

Miss Challinor




Board Games

Mrs Melville

Years 1 & 2



Line Dancing

Mrs Maltby

Years 3 & 4



Street Dance

Miss Dhariwal

Years 5 & 6



We want to ensure that every child has access to at least one club each year and so we will allocate places carefully each term to ensure fair access for as many different children as possible.

If your child is allocated a place at a club then you will receive a letter from the club leader with further details.

Please note that ALL clubs will run for 5 weeks from 3.15pm – 4.15pm. The last session for these clubs will be Tuesday 14th May and Wednesday 15th May. 

Please complete the slip below and return to your class teacher by Tuesday 19th March.

My child …………………………………………………………………………… Class…………………………………… would like a place at the club below please.

(Please tick)

Junk Modelling EYFS

Board Games Y1/2

Line Dancing Y3/4

Street Dance Y5/6






Please note – your child can only sign up for the club in the year group that they are in.

Signed………………………………………………………………………….. Date…………………………….

after-school-clubs-summer-1.pdf (