Dothill Primary School

What have Y6 been up to?

Friday 24th May

This week, we have been learning about coding and used Scratch to create a game, which then had to be adapted to include variables. We created our own variable and then used the 'if' command for an event to happen when our variable reached a specific value. 



Friday 17th May

What a week! The Y6 children have been incredible this week during their SATs tests. Regardless of the results, we couldn't be happier with how hard the children have worked and we are so proud of them. Well done to all of them.  



Friday 3rd May

In PE, we are currently learning about invasion games and, more specifically, tag rugby. We have been building our knowledge of passing, defending and attacking. This week, we focused on defending, paying attention to our stance and effective positioning. 



Friday 26th April

In English this week, we had a debate about the building of a theme park in place of Dothill Nature Reserve. We analysed the benefits and drawbacks of it and then in groups we took a stance and argued for or against it using formal language and contrasting conjunctions. This is so that we can rehearse and practise our sentences for when we begin our assessed writing. 



Wednesday 17th April

Today, we went on our geography field trip, which was at Telford Town Park. We have been learning about land use and created a set of questions to ask people who were using the area what they thought about it. Prior to going to the town park, we were reminded about the dangers of talking to strangers and had a strict set of rules to keep everyone safe. It was great to see the children engaging with the task and how their confidence grew as they conducted their research. 

During the research gathering, we had many compliments about the children's manners and confidence from members of the public. Well done to all of the children.


Friday 12th April

This week, we have been using lots of oracy, which is one of our curriculum drivers, to help us with our learning. We used completed SATs papers and had to find where the mistakes had been made. Using talk partners, we had to explain how we had achieved our answers and to explain why other answers were not correct. Afterwards, we applied our knowledge in our writing.



Friday 15th March

This week, we made our healthy pizzas, which we have been researching and planning for four weeks. We worked together in pairs to mix and knead our dough, and then we moved on to individually mixing our tomato based and chopping and grating our cheese to put on top of our pizza.


Friday 8th March

This week, we celebrated World Book Day as a whole school. In the morning, we had parents join us so that we could read to them. Later on, we discussed our favourite books and created our own front covers for them. 


We are learning about striking and fielding games in PE this half term and we have been practising our catching and fielding skills this week. 


Thursday 29th February

We are currently learning about percentages in our maths lessons. Despite it being a tricky concept, we have been getting on brilliantly. We've learned about the link between percentages, fractions and decimals and used this knowledge to be able to order them. We've also learned how to find a percentage of a number. 

In RE, we have been learning about brain stillness and calming activities. This week, we have focused on breathing activities. 



Monday 26th February

Year 6 have been working incredibly hard this week and have started to put their grammar knowledge into some fantastic pieces of writing. We used a 'structured write' to create some fantastic pieces of horror writing.


We're also learning MFL (French) this half term and have learned about shopping in France - names for different types of shop and directions to get there.




Friday 9th February

This week, the Year 6 children who didn't go to Arthog have been doing a range of activities. At the start of the week, we used our local surroundings and went for a wellbeing walk in the Dothill Nature Reserve. We followed the '50 Tree Trail' and found most of them. Maybe they could find the remaining trees in half term! 

We used our walk as inspiration for some artwork. We produced one piece of artwork using watercolours. Later, we recreated it using different media. 

During the week, our school took part in the Safer Internet Day. As part of this, we looked at staying safe online and looked at ways that technology is designed to influence people's choices and ways that we can manage that influence. 




Monday 5th February

This halt term, we've been learning about OAA, which has involved lots of teamwork, problem solving and cooperation. It's been fantastic to see our school values shining through as the groups worked to find resolutions. 




Monday 29th January

Last week, we finished our 'Algebra' unit in maths. Despite some initial worries, we've made some amazing progress and the children have developed a strong understanding of it, which will give them a great start when they move on to Secondary schools. We started our new unit on decimals, beginning with multiplying decimals by integers. In order to check our answers, we used our rounding skills to estimate. 






Currently, we are looking at explanation texts in our writing lessons, which are focussed on our learning in Science - electricity and electrical devices. We will be producing an explanation about how electrical circuits or devices work, using our knowledge of both subjects. 

In Maths, we have been learning about the four operations and fractions. We will be looking at this in more detail next half term too, and extending our learning to performing more complex operations with fractions. 

For this half term in Science, we are investigating Electricity, how to construct a range of different circuits and how to conduct fair investigations into concepts such as 'voltage' and its effects of electrical components.

This half term we are also studying: Leadership skills in P.E, The Victorians, creating a Victorian Fairground ride, PSHE and Computing.