Dothill Primary School

Y5 Homework


Children are asked to read at home with an adult at least four times each week and parents are asked to date and sign each entry in their Reading Record each week to confirm their child has read at least four times. Diaries will be needed in school each day and will also be collected in every Friday by the class teacher. 



Each week, your child will be given a list of spellings to practise at home. We would like your child to carry out at least two of the activities suggested below each week. Please sign their spelling books to show they have done this. A list of our weekly spellings will be given out each Friday.

Suggested spelling activities to help learn your spellings



Children are asked to rehearse the times tables weekly using times tables rock stars. This includes 15 minutes practice in the Garage and 2 minutes in the Studio each week during term time. The best way to complete this is 'little and often' throughout the week. Children will be completing a times tables challenge each Friday.


Topic Project

In addition to the weekly times tables and reading homework, children will be set a topic related project at the start of each half term. Children who choose to complete the project will have the opportunity to share this with the class. 

Autumn 2