Dothill Primary School

What have EYFS been up to?

Summer 1:

Week 6:

We have had lots of fun this week in EYFS, in maths we have recognised that the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 can be made using '5 and a bit'. We also tasted different fruits and then designed, made and tasted fruit smoothies.






Week 5:

This week in maths we have developed our spatial awareness. We have made models using the cubes and described where the cubes were using positional language. We continued our pattern work in Art and used fruit to print patterns. We have loved being out in the sunshine building dens.


Week 4:

It's been a busy week in EYFS - we have investigated weight and capacity in maths and had great fun using the scales to find out which objects balanced. We recognised that when the scales balanced they were equal. We also created different patterns in Art using the loose parts. In PE we used bats and balls to practise our ball skills.


Week 3:

In geography this week we have read Handa’s surprise. We have learnt about the different animals and fruit that can be found in Africa.

Week 2:

This week we have been looking at the Eatwell Plate. We even created our own healthy plates.

Week 1

In EYFS this week we have been learning about doubles in maths. On Thursday we had an amazing time at Home Farm. 




Spring 2:

Week 5: 

This week in EYFS our maths focus has been looking at the different ways to make 7. In Art we have been learning to draw flowers and trees. On Friday we had our Dojo reward afternoon.


Week 4:

This week in EYFS we have continued our science topic and have been learning about insects. We found out that insects have three parts to their body and six legs! We went on an insect hunt around the EYFS outside area and found lots of insects. In maths this week we have used 'more than', 'less than' and equal to to compare amounts. We have begun to visualise where numbers sit in relation to each other.

Week 3:

This week in EYFS we have learnt about animals and where they live, we found out an animals home is called a 'habitat'. We sorted animals into groups and identified their similarities and differences. In maths we have recognised that when we say numbers in order we add 1 more each time. We have made staircase patterns to show this!



Week 2: 

It has been a busy week!! In Geography we have been using directions and maps to find Rosie the hen, who has been hiding in our outside area. In Maths we have been comparing amounts, looking at which one has more and fewer.

Week 1:

This week we have learnt about the numbers 6 and 7, we have explored how to  make these numbers in lots of different ways!

We have begun to learn about maps. We listened to the story of 'Rosie's Walk' by Pat Hutchins and ordered the journey she took using pictures and by drawing our own pictures. We learnt the directions 'left', 'right' and 'straight ahead'.



Spring 1:

Week 5: 

This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year.

In maths we have been measuring. When measuring length, we used the words ‘long’ and ‘short’, we then learnt how to measure height we used ‘tall’ and ‘short’.

We also had a visit from the fire fighters, we learnt all about their job and how their fire engine helps them.

Week 4:

This week we have continued to think about people who help us. We how to keep safe around water and the number we need to call in an emergency.

In maths we have explored different ways of making 5 and in Drawing Club we listened to the tale of Hansel and Gretel, drew a character from the story and the setting. 


Week 3: 

We began our topic of transport in history. Looking at how transport in the past looks different to present transport. 

In PE we have been creating our own Dinosaur Dances.

Our focus in maths this week has been shapes. We have been looking closely at squares and rectangles, we went on a walk of our school to see what shapes we could see.

Week 2: 

We have been very busy in EYFS this week...

We have explored what happens to water when we freeze it and how ice changes back into water. We worked together to find out which material was the best for keeping our ice cubes frozen.

The school nurse came to visit us and talked to us about teeth and how we can keep them looking clean and healthy.

In maths this week we have made sure numbers are in the right order, we have built towers to represent the numbers 1 to 5 and noticed that when they are in the correct order they make a staircase pattern.

Week 1: 

We have been learning all about winter, and how our environment changes each season.

Autumn 2: 

Week 7:

We have had a busy week celebrating Christmas.


Week 6: 

This week we preformed our nativity

Week 5: 

This week learnt about Hanukah and how it can be celebrated.

Week 4: 

This week we have been learning about the different parts of a plant. We looked at what a plant would need to grow, before planting some seeds.

Week 3: 

This week we have been celebrating Diwali. We have learnt the story of Rama and Sita and the different ways Diwali is celebrated.

We developed our learning on houses by looking at the different rooms in a house. We also discussed how house can look different, but they are still a home.

Fitness Friday: We begin our new topic of gymnastics. Today we learnt the different ways to jump.

Week 2: 

This week we celebrated bonfire night. As part of this, we learnt about how and why bonfire night is celebrated. We created firework pictures and rockets.

For Remembrance Day, we learnt about the importance of remembering those who fought for our country. As part of this we took part in a minute’s silence and listened to the last post.

This term our topic in Geography is contrasting environments and different houses. To begin our learning, we looked at the different types of houses we might see in our country.

Week 1: 

In RE, we learnt about the Christian idea of belonging to God. We listened to the parable of ‘The lost sheep’.

In D&T we created houses out of sticks, stones and bricks. We discussed which material we thought would make the best house.






Autumn 1: 

Week 7: 

In RE we learnt about the symbols and promises which are made at a Christian wedding.

In music we learnt and performed ‘five little ducks.

In history we had a visitor who shared some toys from when she was younger, this allowed us to see how toys have changed over time.

Week 6: 

In history we learnt about how all families are different, we shared what we thought made our own families special.

In RE we discussed our sense of belonging and reflected on where we belong.

Week 5: 

To begin our RE topic of ‘Myself: Who am I?’, we shared our ideas of how we are similar and different to our peers.

Continuing our art topic of the term, we painted self-portraits and mixed skin tones to those closest to our own.

Week 4:

Continuing our science topic, we explored the sense of sight by guiding our partners from one point of our class to another. As part of this we were able to explore how we relied upon our other senses to help us.

To conclude our science topic, we went on a listening walk and used our sense of hearing to identify the sounds around us in our outdoor environment.

To begin our topic of history, we named and described the different people who make up our families. Then we created pebble people families.

Fitness Friday:  We used the song the ‘Wheels on the bus’ to perform a rock n roll style of dance. We adapted the movements to ensure that they were rock n roll style.

Week 3: 

This week in science we explored our sense of touch and were able to identify which body part links to that sense. Using only our sense of touch we described different objects and guessed what it might be.

We also explored our sense of taste. We tried different flavours of squash and used our sense of taste to guess what it was.

In art this term we have been creating self-portraits in different way.

We continued to develop our fine motor skills by writing letters using chalk, brushes and water.

As part of fitness Friday, we continued to develop our dance skills.

Week 2:

This week we began our science topic ‘All about me’. As part of this we explored our sense of smell, by identifying and describing what the different items smelt like.

To support our writing development we used resources in our outside area to create our names and the sounds we learnt during Read Write Inc.

During fitness Friday we explored different styles of dance, such as ballet and ballroom. We used the song ‘I’m a little teapot’ to dance to.

Week 1: 

We began our journey at school by exploring the new environment and made friends. As part of fitness Friday we developed our fine and gross motor skills in a range of different activities.