Dothill Primary School

Safer Internet Day - in school event for all children

Dothill Primary School is holding a Safer Internet Day on Wednesday 10th March 2021. This would have nationally been on Tuesday 9th February, however we thought it would benefit our children to postpone it until we are all back in school. The focus this year is 'An internet we trust: exploring reliability in the online world’.

As a school, each year group will be taking part in a variety of different activities tailored around this theme while being suitable for their age group. Research has highlighted:

Many young people of all ages, from as young as 8, are regularly encountering misleading content and have experienced approaches, such as friend requests, from people they don’t know. It is vital that all of us involved in building an internet young people can trust, consult young people to build a deeper understanding of what they are encountering, how it affects them emotionally and how they respond to it, so we can support them with the tools and skills they need to separate trustworthy from misleading content and to stay safe online.” (UK Safer Internet Centre)

We hope this will be an enjoyable and memorable day for the children where they will learn valuable skills to help them to stay safe online. We look forward to sharing some photos with you so you can see what we got up!.