Dothill Primary School

Christmas Fair 2:30-4:00pm

The Friends of Dothill School are delighted to invite you to our forthcoming Christmas Fayre on Thursday 7th December (2:30pm - 4:00pm)! Please click the link below for more information

At the fayre each class will be running a games stall such as Pin the Nose on Rudolph, Lucky Dip Tree, Snowman Toss, Tin Can Alley, Find Phil, Mini Golf and much more. The Friends will also be running stalls including wine and chocolate tombola’s and toys and games sale stalls.

All the activities and stalls will be paid for using a token system. Families can buy tokens (plastic round discs) for 50p per token from the ‘bank’ to make playing and buying a quicker process at each stall. Please note that some stalls will be 2 or more tokens a go. Please bring cash as there will be no card facilities at the banks or on the stalls. On the day of the fayre each child will be given a slip which includes a ‘free go’ worth 1 token.

We’ve taken on board previous feedback and would like to offer families the opportunity to buy bundles of tokens in advance of the fayre. This will take place on the playground at drop off/pick up. We will also be aiming to offer two ‘banks’ on the day during the fayre. Please note, this is all dependent on the support of enough volunteers. Prizes will be up for grabs at the majority of stalls. If players win a game they will be given a wooden Dothill star which will be transferable at the prize stall. There will be plenty of 1-star token prizes, but also some larger items for 2, 3- or 4-star tokens for winners to pick from.

On the day parents/carers are allowed to collect their children from classroom’s from 2:30pm onwards. We are aware not all families are able to collect earlier, so we will hold back some prizes and activities until after 3:15pm.

There is a Mufti Day on Friday 1st December. The children are invited to come to school in non-uniform and we ask that the children bring in a donation for the fayre of either:

  • bottle of wine or alcohol,
  • chocolate, or
  • £2

Please can all donations be handed in at the classroom door on arrival that morning. The money collected will be used to purchase prizes.

In order for the school fayres to run we require help from parents/carers. We are grateful for any help; these events cannot take place without your support. In addition to help on the day of the fayre we also require help with organising the donations received on the morning of mufti day in preparation for the fayre. If you can help (even just for a little while) please complete this Google form by Wednesday 29th November.

We hope it is going to be a lovely afternoon and that you will all have a great time! Funds raised on the day will be put towards the school for the enrichment of all children specifically offering experiences, opportunities, trips and resources.

Many thanks in anticipation of your support,

The Friends of Dothill School

christmas-fayre-letter-2023.pdf (

christmas-fair-update.pdf (


IMPORTANT – CHANGE OF DATE - Christmas Fair Thursday 7th December NOT 14th December. I apologise for the change regarding this date. Please spread the word and tell your friends so that everyone is aware and no one misses out on the fun!